Anyone want to try out saying these fast without getting it wrong 一蚊一隻龜,七蚊一隻雞, 佢話龜貴過雞,我話雞貴過龜, 咁究竟龜貴過雞定係雞貴過龜。 靚仔無本心,型仔無句真! 傻仔太好心,有無咁多金! 靚女無好心,索女易變心! 醜女好好心,乜野係最真! 出東樓,走六步, 碰見六叔和六舅, 好六叔,好六舅, 借給我六斗六升好綠豆。 過了秋,收了豆, 再還給六叔六舅六斗六升好綠豆。 金瓜瓜,銀瓜瓜, 瓜棚上面結滿瓜。 瓜瓜落下來, 打著小娃娃; 娃娃叫媽媽, 媽媽抱娃娃; 娃娃怪瓜瓜, 瓜瓜笑娃娃。 小王和小黃, 一齊畫鳳凰。 小王畫黃鳳凰, 小黃畫紅鳳凰。 紅鳳凰黃鳳凰, 畫成活鳳凰, 望著小黃和小王。 You can even try record yourself saying these and attach them here, so we can hear if you say it right
the first one, lol this should go in ther performers section, lol where PA members record their Chinese Tongue Twisters
lol, wtf in mando? wouldnt it sound like crap since its like a canto Tongue Twister? lol the "sounds " wouldnt be right
dunno if any1 remembas but in da film project A wif jackie chan samma hung n yun biao, wen yun biao has 2 say da password he says sum long thing any1 knw wot he sayin????
why not put the one Bosco said? haha, it's EZ. they're like millions of them out there [FONT=新]胡家胡同有一個胡老五,[/FONT] [FONT=新]吳家胡同有一個吳小虎,[/FONT] [FONT=新]五月二十五的五點二十五,[/FONT] [FONT=新]胡老五走出胡家胡同[/FONT] [FONT=新]來找吳小虎,[/FONT] [FONT=新]吳小虎在吳家胡同口[/FONT] [FONT=新]迎接胡老五。 [/FONT][FONT=新]路東住著劉小柳,[/FONT] [FONT=新]路西住著牛小妞,[/FONT] [FONT=新]劉小柳拿著大皮球,[/FONT] [FONT=新]牛小妞抱著大石榴,[/FONT] [FONT=新]劉小柳把大皮球送給牛小妞,[/FONT] [FONT=新]牛小妞把大石榴送給箭小柳。[/FONT] [FONT=新]九月九,九個酒迷去喝酒。[/FONT] [FONT=新]九個酒杯九杯酒九個酒迷喝九口[/FONT] [FONT=新]喝罷九口酒,又倒九杯酒。[/FONT] [FONT=新]九個酒迷端起酒,咕嚕咕嚕又九口。[/FONT] [FONT=新]九杯酒,酒九口喝得九個酒迷醉了酒。 (*I think these 2 appeared in S.H.E's 中国话) [/FONT][FONT=新]嘴說腿,腿說嘴,[/FONT] [FONT=新]嘴說腿愛跑腿,腿說嘴愛賣嘴,[/FONT] [FONT=新]老動嘴,不動腿,不如不長腿。[/FONT] [FONT=新]哥哥弟弟坡前坐,[/FONT] [FONT=新]坡上臥著一隻鵝,[/FONT] [FONT=新]坡上流著一條河。[/FONT] [FONT=新]哥哥說:寬寬的河,[/FONT] [FONT=新]弟弟說:肥肥的鵝。[/FONT] [FONT=新]鵝要過河,河要渡鵝,[/FONT] [FONT=新]不知是鵝過河,[/FONT] [FONT=新]還是河渡鵝。[/FONT] [FONT=新]白石白又滑,搬來白石搭白塔。[/FONT] [FONT=新]白石塔,白石搭,白石搭白塔,[/FONT] [FONT=新]白塔白石搭,搭好白石塔,[/FONT] [FONT=新]白又白來滑又滑。[/FONT] found them there lol, so many i did ok ......XD 麥當娜約左麥當雄去麥當勞道個間麥當勞食麥皮撈當歸。 姨媽而家去宜家傢俬買而家岩用既宜家傢俬。 (a)入實驗室扲緊急制 (b) 入食物實驗室扲緊十個緊急掣 remember those?~ they're back in the day ones =]