lol i remember seeing this vid somewhere... that woman should not own a charger. none of those women should.
None of them should be allowed to reproduce. Especially the blonde that was standing behind the car near the end.
That was a tight parking spot tho... but still, for some reason, once a women go on reverse and has to go foward again, they dont freaking turn their tires
^... no... dood those spots... are so fcking wide... u want small spaces, i'll take some pics of my campus parking spots... honestly that woman was just a complete moron... at 1:00 when the two doods were standing there... and she drove in a little... she shoulda locked her wheel and went in reverse... she had all the room in the world at that point...
+1 If she had enough room to pull off that maneuver, there is enough room for a normal human being to back out of.
i agree...people with that "high" of an intelligence should not be allowed to procreate where is my cattle prod 1st i thought she was tryna get IN the bay...till half way i realised she was tryna get out...haha and im not going to comment coz you only really comment when YOU ARE in that situation... yeshh its all good saying I WOULD do this and that....but when it actually comes to it.....who knows... but i can honestly say thas not happened to me yet *touch wood*....
Haha wow this was hard to watch, she didn't seem to know that she is suppost to go forward when you run out of room in the back. lol she was trying to get out of that position without moving forward. I wonder how she got her licence.
i thought she was trying to park the car but gave up trying and left. from the way she did it, no one knows what she really is trying to do .