here are the first of many: see link for moar: somehow, facepalm just doesn't cut it...... the world is filled with idiots lol
maa, its just trolls messing about, i use YA a lot so i seen worse. don't take them seriously and you usually reply with comedic answers. also with the advent of failblog and such, people post stupid questions then print screen it and put it up on the website.
lol obviously they're trolls.............. but the whole reason i posted it is because it's comedic and to get a laugh out of it it's not like im taking it seriously lol
^ if you wasnt taking it seriously then imo you shouldnt have named the tread 50 yahoo answers fails .... and the fact that you picked the first image to post says Source: is just a complete and utter fail :/
wow. im sharing something i found funny and you guys flame me? and you guys are telling me im taking shit seriously. just wow lol click the link. that's the title of the article. i just copy pasted. what else would i named the thread.... "50 yahoo trolls answers (DO NOT TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY, THEY'RE RESPONSES FROM TROLLS)"? i took the first six images that appeared in the page, in order. again, click the link. you will find it to be true. lol i was going to say something, but w/e lol. you should try to click the link before you flame people jesus christ people. i never said i believed in this shit. i found it funny, i decided to share. i quote correct me if im wrong, are trolls not idiots? amusing, sounds to me like im being trolled lol edit: my avatar has an irony to it.... lol
wasn't my intention to offend you, I apologise, anyway ill leave this thread alone in case I unintentionally say something else that offends you, I'm guessing I'm one of the guys who flamed you so I apologise for that too. -out2
Haha the sex while pregnant was pretty funny. I remember someone asked on this forum waaaay waaay back 'Can you get pregnant having cyber sex?'
lol i found it funny but i do hope that some of these aint true..esp the first two...its retarded an stupid..but the rest was funny...
lmfao.. we weren't falming you dan, just ultim8.... i also found the lightsaber vs superman answer quite educational