60GB PS3 is now cheaper

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by khaotic, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I also heard that the 20GB model will be discontinued.
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    20gb already discontinued for a while, a discount is cool, still not getting one yet though lol, waiting for it to drop another hundred or two lols, i'm broke.
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    meh..still doesn't make it appealing to me..
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    nah ... doesn't sound very appealing. no games, overprice and half as fun as wii. i'd rather get wii
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    when it hits 499 and Final Fantasy 13 comes out, il buy one, until then there is no point
  6. marky8C

    marky8C Member

    there's been rumours that the controller provided in this package are SIXAXIS controllers with the rumble pack inside
  7. reflection

    reflection Well-Known Member

    When the price reduction occurs, you'll be able to get it for $499CDN w/o MotorStorm. You're probably not going to see another price drop before FFXIII is out, or before they solve more yield problems etc. That too, would only occur if the competition cuts prices. If I personally were looking for a nextgen system right now I'd jump for the PS3, the Bluray player you get with it is great value. Also, when everybody starts learning to code for the Cell, it'd have huge flexibility to running useful apps due to having Linux, and then factor in the full capabilites of the processor. -innocent2

    I have to commend Sony here, this is a really aggressive move. That is more so, if they aren't providing false info. with regards to only solving the blue diode problems as of recently.

    Oh, and for more Sony announcements:
    This will probably help them recuperate so money lost by the PS3. The PS2 is still selling quite well, and this probably being its last refresh, it'll have an even more amazing retirement with a hard to beat legacy.
    #7 reflection, Jul 9, 2007
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2007
  8. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I disagree about the blue ray player. I wouldn't buy any next gen system based on HD DVD and blue ray. At least not yet.

    and to bad Square Enix won't be make a 360 version of FF13 :(
  9. reflection

    reflection Well-Known Member

    Of course when you only look at it as a gaming system that would be the perspective. But, if you were to be switching to HD movies as of *now*, there's really no better option. If you are buying only for gaming that is *now*, then yes, the Xbox360 and Wii both respectively have much polished features relative to the PS3. Sony also demonstrated they're commitment to their customers as of late, promising to immerse them with content from the upcoming E3 through the PLAYSTATION Network. If they really improve their online services, and survive until all the big launches, I think they'll succeed once again.
  10. Logy

    Logy Well-Known Member

    it supposed to be slightly different from conventional rumble controllers, using immersions latest where only a part of the controller rumbles
  11. cheungpwnz

    cheungpwnz Well-Known Member

    I think its still really expensive
  12. Dreameclipse

    Dreameclipse Member

    No Doubt I will proably get a ps3 in the future
    but at the current moment even with price drop, i don't think its worth it
    there isn't any good games strictly ps3 out yet
    proably when FF13 comes out or maybe mgs.ill pick one up
  13. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    for honnesty, the PS3 suck.... i bought it last month for my nephew and i don't see why ppl want to have it because it's not really different from other game..even the wii is better and more funny...but well, i expect final fantasy 13 too, too bad that it will be out only next year....
  14. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Wait this fall. That's when PS3 owners start getting their money's worth.