7 Types of Guys Women Can't Resist

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by mint_T, May 17, 2006.

  1. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    1. The Romantic Guy
    He believes in classic romance. He is constantly bringing her flowers and chocolate and lighting candles during dinner. He calls her often to let her know he is thinking about her, and looks into her eyes and tells her how he feels.

    Why he is so irresistible: A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. He uses romantic gestures to show her he is thinking about her. As an added bonus, she feels free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

    2. The Confident Guy
    He is totally secure and sure of himself. He is assertive in public, and gives off an aura of power and control (within reason, of course, as the "cocky guy" is not on this list). In a relationship, he doesn't get jealous of other men; he doesn't feel threatened by his girlfriend's male friends or coworkers.

    Why he is so irresistible: Women are attracted to confident men. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. The confident man doesn't seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more.

    3. The Artistic Guy
    The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. Often, he will use his creativity to woo her, such as with a song he has written about her or a painting he has made for her.

    Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants to feel unique and special. And there is no better way to make her feel this way than to use her as your muse, or your source of inspiration. She is intrigued by the artistic guy's creative mind, and especially by the way he incorporates her into his art.

    4. The Foreign Guy
    He comes from a faraway exotic country; he might have a cute accent or a unique way of seeing the world. His social customs and everyday behavior can be a little quirky, but he always manages to come off as uniquely charming. Note that you don't have to actually be foreign to fit into this category. If you are well-traveled or speak many languages, you might be able to pull off the charm as well as any sweet-talking foreigner.

    Why he is so irresistible: Charisma, charisma and charisma. There's not much more I can say about this one; it's just that mysterious je ne sais quoi that is so alluring. Women often choose this kind of guy if they are curious about the world, but most of the appeal comes down to a fascination with dating someone from another culture.

    5. The Free Spirit Guy (a.k.a. The Bad Boy)
    The Free Spirit Guy goes where the wind takes him, and the wind usually takes him on some kind of wacky adventure. He might ride a motorcycle, or he might skip work to take her on a last-minute road trip. But this guy doesn't worry too much about the consequences; he just sees where his own devices take him.

    Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants a bit of a rebel (within reason, of course). She loves his carefree attitude and hopes that it will rub off on her too. The bad boy spirit adds an element of youthfulness to the relationship and she loves to try taming him -- although she knows she'll never actually succeed.

    6. The Intelligent/Witty Guy
    He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating and listens to what she has to say in response. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humor and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours and it will never get boring.

    Why he is so irresistible: As time goes on, your hairline may recede and your buff body may soften, but if you can keep her interested, you've won half the battle. An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship, and if you can show her that you've got that, she'll be hooked pretty quickly.

    7. The Considerate Guy

    He holds open her car door and pulls out her chair. He foots the bill for dinner and makes sure to offer her dessert. He always asks her out with reasonable notice and picks her up at her door. He is generally sensitive to how she is feeling and when she is ready to go home.

    Why he is so irresistible: Surprised? You probably think that nice, considerate guys never get the woman, but consider this: Once a woman has gone through her share of the bad guy, the rude guy and the not-calling-her-back guy, she will likely reevaluate her priorities. It takes a bit of maturity on her part to realize this, but eventually, most girls come around and realize that they want a guy who will treat them well in the long run.

    So girls, which guy is your perfect type? :p I like the Romantic Guy!
  2. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Don forget number 8 now..hes the best type of guy
  3. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Types 2, 5, & 6 would be my ideal guy. -cool
  4. MSG

    MSG Member

    Wow shy! It looks like I am the perfect guy for you after all! -lol

    Not to sound conceited or anything, but I would say that I fit into most of the categories listed above, and that's a tremendous ego boost for me.... 'n to think that I had such a low self esteem before! -rolleyes Good thing I am humble and not self righteous (even though I know I'm perfect). On top of all that... I am good looking to boot! *sigh* What's a boy to do??? -tongue2

    Anyway, I'm my type of guy. I get along with myself, I'm smart, good looking, and I know how to ride a motorcycle. I also treat myself good. I even open the door for myself, AND I ALWAYS pay (now isn't that sweet?) lol
  5. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    ROFL. Well if you didn't sound desperate, overdramatic, and seek approval through your "talents" and money... you MIGHT actually be 2, 5, and 6 (however, I doubt it).

    But that's just my take, what do I know -shrug
  6. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    ROFL even if you fit 2, 5, and 6... you still give off a fat nerd in his forties vibe right now. -rotfl

    And those seven things are wrong!!! how come fez from that 70's show cant get a girl then ???
  7. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!!!! "humble" ehh? -lol You're too funny...
  8. alex_chung_lee

    good to know!
  9. blackmagic

    blackmagic Well-Known Member

    ahaha really?? *gets out stalking gear* lols

    BUt I'm like you mint_T I also like the #1 type :D
  10. MSG

    MSG Member

    Yaaay, "blackmagic" is my first fan!! (stalker is such an ugly word). Oh, and just to make it easier for you... I live in California ;)

    Gosh, you girls are putting a serious damper on my humbleness... I couldn't fit my head through the door of my car this morning. It was a cold drive to work... yet refreshing. ROFL

    -sweat ok, so I may sound a bit old, but no way am I any where near my forties. In fact, I am still in university/college right now. :p

    Oh, and I don't watch "That 70's Show" (seriously, when you are as smart and good looking as someone like me, you'll be too busy beating girls off with a stick and trying to run away from them to be doing anything else). -lol From the sound of it though, I can tell that that Fez guy isn't 1/2 as good looking as I am -cool

    I'm funny? Why is that? What did I say to tickle you? And yes, I am humble... but incredibly sarcastic too!!

    lol ok, so I admit that whole humble/self-righteous comment was a rather terrible joke. But it still makes me laugh so I can't help but to be pleased with myself -innocent

    Anyway, some people are taking my comments a lot more seriously than I think they should...
  11. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    I think you're not getting it at this point. It's hard to believe you with what you've said. Truely confident and humble guys won't brag about themselves like that, why? Because they have no need to, they aren't seeking for other's approval, they believe in who they are, and feel no need to explain their behavior. So when you literally exclaim to the world that you're a confident guy that's humble, etc... it makes you look a fake and very easy to see through.

    So the end result is a 1/2 serious post that sounds 100% fake.

    So quotes like:
    for example... only makes you look like you're trying too hard.

    This is all from my standpoint of course... if anyone agrees or disagrees, LMK. Maybe i'm the one that doesn't have a clue and am just rambling -noclue

    P.S. I'm saying this because I believe the person we've seen so far isn't the real you. However, if I am wrong, then do let me know so I can save my time from now on.
  12. thiswhompz

    thiswhompz Active Member

    Dman, dont think I'm any of those.
  13. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member


    Aww not even a mix of em? You don't have one characteristic from any of them?

    Heh, pretty much all of them appeal to me except for the foreign dude
    #13 Airree, May 20, 2006
    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  14. kinni3

    kinni3 Well-Known Member

    types 3,6 and7 if the guy had one of those three thats good but if he had all three type WOW !!! :p
  15. voonchung

    voonchung Member

    aha....... yah.... that's a good analysis
  16. mikeyh

    mikeyh Well-Known Member

    There are no perfect person in the whole world!!! -noclue
  17. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    wtf...The super handsome guy is not in the list? That means I'm screwed...

    Sigh, what a waste of these sexier than Daniel Henney looks =(
  18. 3ric_luver07

    3ric_luver07 Member

    wow....i dun kno....i go with #1
  19. clevergurl55

    clevergurl55 Well-Known Member

    # 4, 6 and 7....if only all these characteristics would all appear in one person..lol women are so hard to please
  20. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    lol, I'm pretty sure MSG was joking when he made those comments.

    He said: "lol ok, so I admit that whole humble/self-righteous comment was a rather terrible joke. But it still makes me laugh so I can't help but to be pleased with myself"

    Which I interpret as a joke and sarcasm on his part, not actually an indication that he finds himself humble (or "perfect", which also seemed like a joke to begin with). [​IMG]

    That being said, #'s 2, 6, and 7 sound like a nice combination [​IMG]