:riaa: Seto no Hanayome is written by Tahiko Kimura. The manga was first serialized in 2002 in the Japanese manga magazine Monthly Gangan WING. An anime television series adaptation animated by Gonzo and aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 1, 2007 and September 30, 2007. An original video animation project has also been announced. Seto no Hanayome's story revolves around a young teenage boy named Nagasumi Michishio. One day during his summer vacation, Nagasumi was saved from drowning by a mermaid, Sun Seto, in the Seto Inland Sea. However, under mermaid law, if a mermaid's identity as a mermaid has been revealed, both the mermaid who was involved and the human who saw the mermaid are to be executed. In an attempt to save both Nagasumi and Sun's lives, Sun's family, which is apparently the head of its own mob, reluctantly decides that the two are to be married. Gozaburo, Sun's father, however, is enraged about his daughter running off and getting married, especially to a human whom he deems inferior. Between Gozaburo's attempts on his life and the madcap antics of a whole slew of antagonists — including the daughter of a rival mobster and a rich male transfer student with an attraction for Sun — Nagasumi is not enjoying a very smooth transition into his new lifestyle. With a lot of japes, Seto no Hanayome is really a larruping romantic manga differs from others. And the heroine, the head of the mob's daughter, maybe can change your traditional opinion that the girls in mangas are usually very weak!!
soory if this counts as a 'bump' >.<" but the mermaid part actually reminds me of the mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch/pure.... but i'll see if i can find this manga...sounds good tho...