aite ppl, i am having a lil prob. Aite, I am currently a fresh in college, and I haven't been out the true date game since my junior year in hs. So I lossed the abilities that i had before, lol. But there is one cute girl in my college, that i am currently takin a class with. We have had lunch since the first time we met and everytime after that one class we took with one another and we are able to talk about anythin with one another. she is cute and all, but the thing is is that she has a bf. She took a semester off to go back to her homeland last semester, so she has been away from her bf for about 6 months of in a day to day scenerio, they only been together for 1yr. Not sure if that can play a role in anything, but if it does, there is some extra info. . I don't know what i should do, should i go and pursue to this girl, or should i just make friends with her, and than find another girl. The prob with that is that the other girls who i am interested in are too good of friends and taken, so don't want to tamper with that, and the others, eh. She is the type of girl that one meets once in a long while.
do you know how she is with her bf?? do you hear any complaints from her?? if you wanna go out with her then you should try your best to get with her.. but if you jus enjoy her company and like talking to her.. then jus stay as friends..
just do it!!! Do everything for your love-devil -devil -devil joke! well if she really has a boyfriend, then find another one... but keep the friendship..
k..if she's been away from her bf for 6 months and she's cool with it, then obviously there's a lack of intimacy between her and her bf....``` so yeah man, pack up his things and chuck it out...then just move in bah``` love` mon
Well, she has a boyfriend. I think it is better to forget her as a gf. Unless she breaks up with her bf.. then try to get to know her better... Good luck.
maybe so with the rest of the comments, but look. ill give you another perspective. put yourself in her bf's shoes in mainland. go read the "my gf cheated on me" thread. how would you feel being cheated on? yes the level of intimacy between the girl and that dude may be low, but they are still gf and bf. my suggestion would be, stay friends with her, but look for another girl. theres a hell of a lot of girls out there. but if you cant do that, well, just admit that you like her, and let her do the rest. if she likes you and cheats on the bf, well, the bf gonna be devastated, and you get what you want. but if she doesnt want to cheat then thats it. in either case, someones gonna lose. and its your call and hers to see whos gonna lose.
Jab her until she falls for you. Like play the good friend role. Whenever she fights with her boy be there to comfort her. Eventually she'll realize you're the MAN.
this is toronto kdot. the girls man is in china. LOL he's gonna buy a plane ticket, fly here, beat the shit out of that guy, then fly back hahahahaha
haha, thanks thanks, but i can see from everybodies perspective, I can the perspective of go for it, all the way to the perspective to what would you do if you were in her bf shoes, til being a rebound guy from another perspective that is within this topic. But maybe i should go up to her and see what is up, indirectly ask her, to see wat is up between these two bc their relationship maybe good or maybe suck, hell i haven't even met this guy bfore. But i kno from first hand how it feel to be cheated on, and it is not a good feeling, at least the one who is being cheated on. but we will see, keep on commenting guys, i would like to see more input in this, this is helping me out on what i should do.
yes and by no means should you kidnap her boyfriend.. and play the sensitive guy in her time of need and distress..
yo man..if u seriously want advice and act on the advice given..u should go to ur friends..not crazy ppl like us on the internet lol jks...seriously tlk to ur friends
i'd say wait for the right timing, be very goods friends with her and get her to go hang out with you and your friends(also tell her to invite her friends to). hope that she break up with him and console her, give her a little time to recover then make your move. If you can't wait for that, try to question her that her boyfriend might be cheating on her, since she been away from him for a long time.
true true, i shouldn't ask my friends for advice, but in a way, they will give me a bias opinions, because they either kno me and they want to keep their manhood, and i am too embarressed to ask my friends that are girls. You guys rite now don't know me, so u will give me an honest opinion on the subject, and then there might be other's who might just say sumthin stupid. But i am really willing to take the honest opinion bc it will help me out and show me the reality of the situation. But i see where u com'n from sandman, u want me to be a type of rebound guy, but i don't think i should question about bf cheating, that is bad on me, kinda bad karma that will bite me in the butt later on.
well the best thing is just to say how you feel about her... but dont push her to much about it.. and keep supporting her maybe one day she sees that you are really her true lovah if she doesnt like you well.. just be friends.. you two are good friends already and i dont think it will be a problem.. she will be honest to you
Are We Trying tO be Nice OR BE BAD ? hauuhau.... FOR ME : I Would Just Wait For the Right MOMENT And DO THE BEST WHeN IT COMES .... FAIth is Faith .. no need to PUSH ur LUCk .....