Synopsis: Inspired by a true story, the film tells about a heartwarming relationship between a young master of a big family, Roger (Lau) and the servant of the family who raised him, Sister Peach (Ip). Starring: Andy Lau Deanie Ip Wang Fuli Anthony Wong Paul Chun Qin Hailu Directed by: Ann Hui Genre: Drama Trailer: [video=youtube;cGGoxABaEaI][/video]
Me too!! This film is like the most talked movie of the year! lol. And won sooo many awards!! Especially deanie jeh!
the film was Ok i think i was expecting too much cause of all the great reviews Deani was great! but was waiting and waiting for andy to have a break down scene...seems incomplete without it. it's good that they casted these two..with their real life god-mother/god-son relationship it helped create great onscreen chemistry.