A Story About Your Day

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by fearless_fx, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Thought this might make an interesting thread... doesn't really belong in the rant section, cuz your story doesn't have to be a rant. This is a place for you to write a story about something interesting (or obscenely mundane) that happened to you in your day. Hopefully if people like to write here, we can all get a better idea about people's individual lives on here and their personalities :). kinda like a blog :)

    I'll start,.

    soooo, around 2:30 ish i went to Wendy's (a fast food place for u non North americans) for my lunchbreak from work. I went up to order and there was this pretty asian girl working the till. She was very polite and kinda shy (which is understandable, cuz i am extremely handsome and probably intimidating). I surreptitiously checked out her name tag and saw that her name was 'Difluza', a pretty weird name that made me immediately think of 'Diflucan' a brand name for the drug 'fluconazole' which is used to treat fungal infections, but i digress.

    I got my food and then sat down, preparing to indulge myself on a greasy, and exceptionally unhealthy 'Combo #3". As i sank my teeth into the white bread bun, penetrating layers of lettuce, tomatoes, various condiments and the steaming flesh of what used to be a cow, i watched a group of rather unkempt 'skater boys' come in the side entrance and approach the pretty asian girl, and begin to talk to her. It quickly became clear that she was friends with these dudes, especially the one who looked to be the oldest in the group and who had hair that gave him a surprising resemblance to sideshow bob.

    As i observed from over my hamburger, i came to the conclusion that sideshow bob wannabe and pretty asian girl were either boyfriend and girlfriend or had been at some point or, possibly neither and sideshow was just trying to make the moves on her. As they spoke, sideshow's friends sat down in a table near me and, using my near superhuman powers of observation, it was clear that these dudes were a) poor b) high and c) lacked a sense of personal hygiene. I was baffled, and as i finished the last bite of my hamburger and prepared to head out, i thought, "why would such a pretty, well kept asian girl hang out with people like that".

    And as i sped back to work at a pace that would have left Takumi from Initial D hard pressed to keep up, i thought to myself... "Guess i'll never know".
  2. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    ok, well my story..

    ppl confuse me everyday.. i wake up for class and as usual, i suspect it will be crappy.. and of course, as i drive on the freeway, ppl impede traffic even when there are no cars in front of them

    as i am in the class, i keep staring at my prof coz she is in her mid 30s and quite pretty.. plus i can see her underwear through her skirts/dress that she wear everyday.. my theory is that she assign so much reading coz she doesn't want us to check her out, but she knows otherwise.. anyway, i stay up late every night try to finish the reading for the next day, roughly 60pgs of articles complaining about the gov.. but is too much, especially for 5 week course.. my school is normally on 10week qtr system, but 5week is just stupid imo.. i just realize this now coz this summer is the first qtr my school has tried this.. and today, i feel especially overwhelmed with work that i email her, and i email the dept chair about another class too..

    after class, i go gym.. ppl there confuse me too.. i see guys who work out their upper body, but no legs.. they look like cartoon and is ugly.. there's this hs kid who thinks he is all that, but does nothing for legs.. he's so scrawny, i bet i can kick him in the leg and he'd cry for mommy.. many ppl there go gym coz they want to look good.. and i know coz i ask them myself.. but imo, is not look good if they have skinny legs.. just don't go at all

    pretty much a rant of my everyday life.. kthxbai
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    funny story fearless....
    i guess i could write something about my day...but it was just long and boring... =)
    i'll post something when i have "interesting" stories...probably when i come back from my short trip to "surfers paradise" =)
  4. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    wake up at 9:30 work till lunch 2:30 then work till 6:30 go eat by the time around 7:30 then go home by 9:00 there thats my whole day....... shit im boring
  5. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    i'm pretty observant towards built guys but i gotta agree with you that most of them only focus on upper body especially the arms...they wanna look good while wearing sleeveless...they just don't understand the real meaning of toning and body building...

    my yesterday's story..

    Yesterday's been a busy day for me...my parents went for a wedding dinner in another state since last friday and only be back on monday nite so i had to look after my dad's shop(a garage repairing car aircond) with my brother...i never get involved in my dad's business as there's always my supermum who handles everything from a secretary to a social lady...i've always thought my mum's job is petty and menial ...just handling the inventory(we have a lot of spare parts of all car aircond systems eg cooling unit, compressor,condenser,gas and oil tube, etc etc) and issue cash bills to the customers...

    after my mum has gone i was the one doing my mum's job...after a hectic and messed up day only did i realize that my mum's job wasn't as easy as i thought...i was so pathetic i had to call her nearly every minute on how to check for the goods' prices and stuffs.......how i wished my mum was there to help...with her around everything seems to be in order, unlike me, who kept making mistakes and almost got complaint from customers for my inefficiency and know-nothing-on-the-family-business behavior...guess i still have much to learn from my mum...regretted being ignorant all the while....
    #5 philostrate, Jun 26, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    aaw, well now that uv experienced how difficult the job actually is maybe u can give your mom more kudos :p and maybe try to learn a bit more about the family business.... too bad i dont live in malaysia, u could hook me up, my integra's air conditioning has been broken for the last year.
  7. jwslam

    jwslam Well-Known Member

    7:30 wake up -> washroom
    7:45 breakfast
    8:15 leave for school
    8:45 walk to class from THE FARTHEST PARKING LOT THERE IS
    9-12 class
    12-1 quiz
    1-now... did nothing except had lunch
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol now that is very mundane :p
  9. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Wake up, work, chat on msn, leave work, PA browsing, sleep. The cycle is continuous.
  10. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    just got up at about 4pm and browsed around PA. took a shower and then got ready to go eat. woke up 2 of my co-workers and went to go eat buffet for about and hour or so. got hella stuffed and then went back to the hotel room to take a shit. here now and waiting to go to work in about a hour.
  11. mooiced

    mooiced Well-Known Member

    Went to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, loooked at painting such as Monet, and Renoir. I was literally there for 3 hours in just the painting section. By the time i closed took the 6 train home, but went the wrong direction, the uptown so i had to take a few stops uptown before i could transfer back to downtown. After that i was waitng for the N train in Lexington and saw a guy that was really familiar, kept staring at him trying to remember where i have met that guy. But nothing came up and he sort of knew i was staring..kinda arkward when we made eye contact. Hahahah...But the R train came and he took it. I kept on waiting for the N train to come and when it finally did...i dozed off until my stop. Yea...that was my day!
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    i love pooping in hotel room bathrooms... for some reason the whole experience just feels so good.. especially when its a nice bathroom in a nice hotel.
  13. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    interesting stories.. thanks for sharing!
    My story for 2day =)
    well...i met up with my bf today at half 11, went down to 'Gregg's' (pastry shop) and bought one chicken pie and two sausage rolls and 2 bottles of water..our lunch..yum..lol
    ..we took the bus to a local park and had lunch there,afterwards we went to go play in the children's playground..abit childish i kno..lol but it was fun...just chatting and playing on the swings..we had a mini water fight in the paddling pool...despite the slight chilly weather =]

    but the fun came to an end...we walked home together n he left to go pick up his lil bro from school whereas i was on my way to work...
    my work's abit long so wont bore you with that story lol..i'm just a part time bartender and waitress =)
    just finished work..and now i'm home..and thats my story for 2day..=)

    hope it didnt bore you..lol..