Ok before I start this thread, I have no intention of flaming or causing a big ruckus. This is how I feel and how i see it. Why is it that all chinese, whereever they live always get together and never accept any outsiders?? When they live in a other country besides China the Chinese ALWAYS stick together. f.e. If you check myspace.com...All chinese users have 2000 other Chinese users added as a friend. In Holland it's the same, I know a Chinese guy, and all his Chinese friends always hangout together, not even 1 non-chinese person is ever there. I love the Asian culture, regardless it's chinese, japanese, korean or vietnamese. But I really noticed it is HARD to join in some Chinese friends. And I only notice it with Chinese people, not even others. I have only 1 Chinese friend, great guy, best friend for life, and I asked him, but he can't explain. Are Chinese affraid of foreign influences or is it just me and im just a idiot they don't wanna hang out with hehe. -noclue
I find that its because Chinese people feel they dont get the help they need from non-chinese people. They dont really trust foreigners and the only way they know is that they can trust their own people. I "blame" both sides, some chinese are stuck in their ways and wont like help from outsiders, but then again when has everyone else opened their arms and welcomed and integrated chinese people into the communities - except the chinese takeaway (which is at most what people know about chinese people and maybe the greatwall...). But times are changing, most new generation chinese arent like this Im not generallising but this is my personal view Also the reason most chinese people have many chinese friends is because thats a common link. Most white people i know have white friends. Its just that its easier to get along with someone who has something in common with you. Plus not all my friends are chinese
well... if u're talking abt "Fobby Group" and u dont get wht the $#@% they're saying... then it's likly u'll leave them urself... and i guess it's always much easier to communicate with people within ur own culture
I have to disagree. I'm opposite of you... I find it hard to relate to white culture and white people - they are very different, especially racist rednecks. I do have white friends, but that's because they can tolerate different races. It's not that Chinese people refuse to befriend white people - but it's just that there's nothing in common to hold the link. Like why be friends with someone when there's no common interests or anything like that...? Furthermore, it's not only a Chinese thing. For example, in Europe, why do all the Muslim/Arabic people stick together, refuse to be assimilated/integrated into European culture, also known as "Eurabia"? Many races have their own little 'cliques', Italians, Africans, etc.
I don't think it only applies to just Chinese people, other people do the same such as black people ect. But then, most of my friends are asians.... not chinese, jap etc, I mean black, african, muslims, and indians and I'm chinese!! So I don' think it makes a difference really. Its probably due to the fact that you get along and relate more to people who share the same culture, beliefs etc or whatever with you or just the simply fact that u get along with them. It's also easier when u speak the same language, such as chinese people mostly can speak both chinese and english so its easier for me especically to switch languages easily as my chinese isn't perfect ^___^
diffferent cultures stick together...well before i used to chill with white ppl in gr9 and then after that i been chillin with asians only..its just how society puts us...it feeels more comfortable being around your own race? i sitll talk to white people but just don't chill with them anymore
errrr... my chinese fds don't hang out with non-chinese ppl coz they don't speak eng properly n can't communicate... -sweat
they are just so many of us that the chances of having the whole group being chinese is VERY high!!! LOL jk i dunno, i chill with everyone and im chinese.
It's hard to join any group if you are different. Why would a group of Chinese kids who eat in Chinese restaurants, grown up in chinatown (or similar), watch Chinese movies, speak chinese socially and do other traditionally chinese things be willing to feel comfortable hanging out with someone who does not do any of the above?
I guess people are more comfortable with people they think are like themselves... I think it's like that for all cultures, not only Chinese...
I hang with chinese ppl because we have similar interest and are more easy going then white ppl. White ppl never shut up about sports and celebrities, if you don't like sports and shit they like they won't talk to you. but to me everyone usually sticks with their own ppl
It's a cultural thing, I guess. Just like the reason why EVERY SINGLE Chinese forum will have a thread (or a million) asking about the view on WWII or such history that, in fact, have no relation to the current Chinese (as far as the so-called mainstream is concerned). One just have to feel belong, the sameness and such. It's an innate need to be in herd, I guess Plus, you can't really talk about Eason Chan and Joey Yung, or sing K to your white friends right?
I think it's more of a communication and culture problem, and not so much race related. For example, if a Chinese was born and raised in Brazil and spoke the language fluently, he or she would probably feel comfortable mixing out of the race.
maybe most chinese are like that. I would have to agree with those above though that many if not all ethnic groups are similar in this way. you have to look at other factors too..eg. to what extent are you trying to make new friends and also if it's maybe just ur way of trying to let ppl know that you wanna be friends thats not working...maybe you should try to zone in on those who aren't already with their big group of friends..lastly, once again, could it be due to ur way of approaching them that hmmmm makes them.. uncomfortable? please notice that all groups, whatever background, are like this. this thread should ask "why do groups of friends not let newcomers come in?" perhaps.
I'm chinese.. born in Atlanta, Georgia and lived there all my life.. My greatest gripe is that I can't stand that there are so many Chinese stereotypes out there that its almost impossible to meet someone new without them blurting out "Do you know Kung-Fu".. or "Say something in Chinese for me." I apologize... but it just annoys the FU** out of me to hear that over and over not to mention that I can't stand it when somebody botches the pronunciation... so then, mainly the only people that don't ask you that stuff are other asians... then there are the vast cultural differences that asians are brought up with that are naturally found "weird" or unfamiliar around other people.... Ultimately, I guess it just "feels more like home"...
Sorry I'm going to give you my 2 cents worth. If you think Chinese stick together then Foreigners also stick together too. Sometimes it might seem that way but you are generalizing too much. Please consider: Chinese people get pushed together most of the time in other countries because they are a minority still. Majority of Westerners are can't be botherd to learn about our culture, We can relate best amongst each other. It's not that we don;t mix, more asians can speak English compared to the ratio of Westerners who can speak a asian language, we only take up half the world population hmm think think something weird there who is really not mixing? I dont expect foreigners to know Chinese things since we are thousands and thousands of years rich is cuture. But those who DO like to learn about us usually are the ones that like to mix with us (such as my friends) I have foreign friends of every type and not necessarily whites eg. Arabs, Asians, Scottish, Irish, English, Indian etc so you can;t say Chinese always stick together. It's simple, they just like hanging out with each other. So whats wrong with that? Lastly racism! Hope that clears it up a little more.
Totally Agree. if they are a minority in a country, they tend to hang togather. Better strength in numbers. As in the past, these minorities were subjected to discrimination and racism. By sticking together, it protected them. Trust me it wasn't nice. Now times are changing and I know a few foreigners who is interested in learning the different culture and are very nice. Hard to explain, when we hang together it's like we don't care abt each others background and just have fun. totally free. iits too bad not everyone is like this. -shrug -boat -coolio
Well... is not all of the people is like that. Atless I am not one and I do hang out with not just only my own nationality people.