What do people use to remove post-acne scars (the dark spots)? Any home remedies, herbs, or creams that you recommend?
hmmmm i know u can go to beauty therapist to get treatment for that shit.... very expensive but according to my sis it really helps.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microdermabrasion
Personal Experiences: 1. white sugar - found this on many Chinese sites, claims to whiten up your skin (dark spots) - wet ur face 1st, then take about a finger-segment portion (not too much, otherwise it will hurt...) of sugar and massage ur face. Twice a day. 2. honey - my grandma's FAVORITE.........."IT HEALS EVERYTHING!!" 3. Water - hydration is the KEY 4. Vitamin C & E - C rejuvenates ur skin; E promotes cell renewal 5. Healthy diet - too much of anything will be too bad in the end. 6. TIME - Everyone is different. Sometimes it will take longer for the dark spots to go away (usually about several weeks). As for scars, there're different types of acne scars, some will never go away -- so go for the laser treatment. - In my case, it took about 6 months for my skin to be completely "clean" again (I experienced the most severe acne attack in my life, it's horrifying.) 7. SLEEP!! no stress!! - When i stayed up late for 2 days, acne will come and knock my door.
yeh try ur hardest not to pick the pimples and especially when they are healing. basically making scar tissue grow on top of scar tissue over and over again... or something to that effect.
^ KaY_xD sugar & honey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e--d...beauty.com/diary.html&feature=player_embedded a DIY facial mask tutorial!!!! What can I say guys? Natural is the way to go for skincare! ^_^ This mask/toner remedy has many skin benefits such as: Scar reducing Treats blemishes Refines Pores Unclogs Pores Firms the skin Anti-ageing Anti inflammatory Skin brightener Skin detoxer Cleanser Moisturising benefits
^u gotta do it as a long term treatment. But usually after one usage (after u wash it off and pat dry), you can feel the smoothness on ur skin :]
her voice is to annoying for me. just use white chocolate, will make your skin lighter and you can eat it when your done.
if your asian the only way is to either bleach every day or laser treatment. Acne isnt that bad as it goes away, try living with eczema all your life which may infect all parts of the body.