Besides being a renowned actress and a mother to two daughters, 40-year-old Ada Choi (蔡少芬) recently also invested a seven-digit sum to start her own child fashion brand. Although lacking business experience compared to her two partners, Ada contributes many ideas to the clothing designs. Her inspiration comes from her 2 year-old daughter, Zoe, who is nicknamed “Little Rice Ball.” Zoe is a Fashionista “I never looked into child fashion before I had my own children. After giving birth to my first daughter, I realized she knows how to select her own clothes. At first, it was about picking which pair of shoes to wear. I would tell her to wear a certain color, and she would say no. She’s very opinionated and not someone who is easy to control. Sometimes, she doesn’t like what I pick out for her. Even if I bought it already, she refuses to wear them. When we went shopping a few days ago, she saw a purse she really liked and walked out of the store chanting about how pretty it is. I told her we haven’t paid yet, but she didn’t care. She really cares about looking good!” For her own children’s fashion brand, “A Child’s Dream” (童夢), Ada came up with a new idea of designing T-dresses, in which a T-shirt would be attached to a skirt as a one-piece. Ada announced the theme of their brand is creativity, and they want to help initiate children’s dreams. Adding buttons onto the shirts, kids are allowed to select different patterns to create their favorite design. Ada is currently looking for a retail shop space and hopes to enter the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese children’s clothing market soon. Ada described Zoe as possessing a firm character. “She’s not one of the kids who will smile when you tell her to. When I ask her to smile, she will smile a few times and then complain, ‘Okay, it’s enough! Done!’ Whenever she doesn’t listen to me, I will talk it out with her slowly. Sometimes, she would throw a tantrum, but I would wait until she has released all her emotions. Then I would tell her, ‘I listened to everything you had to say, so now it’s your turn to listen to what I have to say.’” Although Ada is generally very patient with her daughters, she revealed she once hit Zoe. “Once, when she was half a year old, I told her to clean up some things. She refused and was in a bad temper, throwing things around. I was a new mother at the time, and I yelled at her and hit her once on the palm. However, my husband was unhappy with how I dealt with the situation. Afterwards, I prayed and realized that I took care of things poorly that time. First of all, I shouldn’t have hit her. Secondly, she is only half a year old and does not understand many things. While praying, I greatly regretted my actions. I promised God I would never hit her again, even hitting the palms. I will only use language or expressions to tell her when I’m upset. She has been listening to me respectfully.” Is Ada eager to have another baby? She replied, “When I asked my husband, he said he is very tired! But seeing how my kids are doing, I won’t mind giving birth once more. Both of my daughters are beautiful girls, so it’s worth it even if I have another daughter! But my husband told me we would never be able to sleep in peace at night. Right now, both my daughters have nose allergies. If there’s a third child, I wouldn’t know what to do.” Creds: ihktv