Adobe Captivate

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Hi all,

    I am new to this program and my assignment is to that I have to teach a first time user to use FireFox and have to cover the important/basic features about it. The program shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

    I am using version 5.5.

    I'm in the middle of working on it right now, but once it's done. Can you guys give me your opinion and anything that needs changing etc.

    Many thanks!
    #1 SUSIE-DANG-1988, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  2. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    This is my menu page.. but I don't really like it.

    Can anyone suggest ideas for me?


  3. ThatGuy

    ThatGuy Well-Known Member

    Perhaps a different background colour and a FireFox picture with transparency in the background.
    Also, is there a better title than "Home"?
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Perhaps "Main Menu" or "Homepage"
  5. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    okay, I will change home to 'homepage' thanks.
    What background colour do you think then? I think orange is okay, as it matches the 'firefox' theme..
    Made my image transparent now..


    but other than that.. what about my 'buttons'... ?
    #5 SUSIE-DANG-1988, Jan 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  6. ThatGuy

    ThatGuy Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, that looks pretty good.
    Maybe the text on the buttons could be smaller, it looks like the text is bigger than the box it's in.
  7. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Or make the text feels like it's merged in.. or like blends in with the tab
  8. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Yep, does look much better. thanks for your advice. :)
    lol, after you said that.. i looked again and you are right... does look like the text is bigger than the box. lol. I didn't really notice this myself when i was doing it and previewing it.. though it does look odd... :/ but just don't know what is.

    errmmm... so how would i feel the text is merged in? Should I just make the button to one colour instead.
    hmm.. i need an example. I don't really like the buttons.. is the buttons layout properly? shall i move it?
  9. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    My buttons on the menu is messy right now.. cos i need to add quiz next to those buttons that does have quiz.. so
    search >> Quiz
    Address bar >> Quiz



    I'm doing a quiz for the 'Address Bar'... I'm using the quiz template that's with the captivate can anyone give me questions that I could ask a user please.
    So far done this:

  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Try making a special effect called "emboss" on the buttons/text, it will look more merged =)

    What is Http?
    What is Https?
    What does www. stand for?
    What is a domain name?
    What does (and all the others like ----- .org -----ecetera) mean?
  11. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    okay.. i will look into that..

    as for those q's.. ermm... it's more actually on firefox browser.
    so.. those questions aren't needed. This 'tutorial' is teaching user how to use firefox browser..
    so the quiz is kinder testing them to see if they know how to use that lesson. .. if that make sense?
    But thank you though.
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Oh...btw I think it would be useful if you state "this tutorial is for Firefox version xxx" so that it can avoid confusion for users (perhaps some users haven't updated their Firefox browser. You get me?

    As for the questions you can ask:
    -How do you favourite a page on firefox?
    -How do you locate your favourites on firefox?

    ^I think that work since instead of favourite it's called "bookmarks", which is different to IE.
  13. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    I don't think I can do this on captivate.. tried looking in the 'properties' think I will need to do it myself and save the button as image and put click box around it.
    But I dunno how to do this, as I don't have photoshop.

    Sorry, I should have stated this on my 1st post. But this assignment is actually for a first time user that only has the default browser installed [IE]. So we have to decide which browser is most suitable to use and easy to use. So I've chosen 'Firefox' as I think that Chrome would be more complex for a first time user. So I chose 'firefox, that user would go to their website and download whatever the version is to download for that browser.

    As for those lessons that I will be teaching them, as you can see. They are only basic, so there's no deleting cache, history. Adding add-on etc.
    Just really basic lessons to get them started.

    As for those questions, I will add that on my 'bookmark' lesson, which is most suitable.
    I will probably have a quiz which a user will have to bookmark a page. To show they can do it.
    But thanks again for those questions.

    I am struggling with 'Address Bar' lesson at the moment.
  14. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    ok.. appararently my background colour doesn't match with blue and it's hard to read. lol.
    That orngae is kinder dark! haha.
    well i kinda changed the colour.. to a slighter fader orange.. but my lec. says try and washout the colour like those watermark.. (anyone know what she meant)? rofl! how can i do this...
    Still don't like my menu buttons!! arrghh!! - it's a text box with a click on.. the text in the box is black but when you hover it to click on the button the text will then be changed to purple (as it it on screenshot)
    colour combination match you guys think?? it's okay for me.... but some people can't read it.. like yellow background with red text.. (colour-blind people)
  15. ThatGuy

    ThatGuy Well-Known Member

    If colour blind users are an issue, why not try a colour combination with higher contrast? blue and red, black and yellow, etc.
    Actually i think white, blue and black might look good for the buttons.
  16. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    hmm... but I just kinder wanted to match the 'firefox' theme that's why I chosen orange as the background.
    But does my background seem okay now.. i will then transparent the ff logo.
    Okay, I will try white for button? Black text .. when it's hovered - blue text?