Advice for future planning and career?

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by firsttimemaking, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. firsttimemaking

    firsttimemaking Active Member

    im in yr 9 now and i think i should really start thinking what is my future and my job.
    i used to have lots of things i want to do when i was little. i used to want to be a shop keeper, ha ha! i also wanted to be a doctor that time. But now i have to decide something really big and i can't decide ><

    im looking for something that earns a lot of money, and i think surgery is scary for me.:no: maybe there is other doctor-related jobs?
    can you suggest some advice for me, perhaps from your own experience? and tell me if it is difficult to past that course? what's the past mark to get to that course?

    maybe i should tell you what im good at first which can help in my future:
    im good at maths, science, art and design, commerce i guess, and i love computing and technology (but my mum said she doesn't want me to do this coz it affects my health, but do you earn lots of money from this?)

    or maybe i can own a bank! mmm... i wish
    i will be grateful if you give some advice!
    #1 firsttimemaking, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    yr9...?? your like 13 y.o..??...which education system uk, u.s, aussie...?

    aint it pretty early to think whut you wanna do already..??..o_O...
    i think you should just choose subjects you enjoy/like doing for the time being and decide later....
    thinking so early puts pressure on yourself....esp. when things arent going according to your plan
    which is whut usually happens coz things just happen....

    good lucky anyways~~~~~!
  3. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    Well,it surgery scares you,you can become a doctor specialising in ears,nose,throat...I don't know about the difficulty of the course but my cousin who is now specialising in this is quite hardworking.It you like a course,then you have to go for it no matter the difficulty...
    Between i won't advise you to do something in banking because of the economic crisis.
  4. firsttimemaking

    firsttimemaking Active Member

    firstly, im 15, turning 16
    and it's better to think of this first so atleast i have a goal in my life?
  5. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    subjects Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry will almost set you up for any med/science/engineering orientated degree out there

    throw in some computing science and i would say its almost limitless what you can do

    if your leaning towards business, something like maths alone should be good enough (maybe business studies/economics as well), but tbh business is a waste of time unless you have a real entrepreneurial streak
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ^ I disagree, business is a great degree. Every company on the face of the earth will go out of their way to hire MBA's from a good name school.

    If you're squeamish then a doctor definitely isn't the way to go, doing autopsies on cadavers and working in rotations in the hospital is pretty much required for the degree and not everyone can handle that.

    Things like maths, or design/architecture generally is not big money. If you're doing pure maths you'd need atleast a Ph.D to make any money off of it and design isn't a huge moneymaker either.

    I'd say if you're interested in math, look towards comp sci or engineering. Both positions have the potential for making a ton of cash. Something like petroleum engineering will easily net you over 100 grand a year.
  7. i know that i started career planning when i was in year9 cus you need to work out the subjects u need to take to get onto the course at 6th form and then uni. but i think if your not sure what you want to be still, you should keep your options open, by not taking anything specific.
    personally, i wanted to be a lawyer til yr 11 when i turned to science. it was good that i kept my options open, cus i did used to be very good at english but as i grew older, i was a alot better at maths n science than in english and history.
    in my school we have a thing called connexions which is a careers company all over the uk and it can be helpful to talk to them about it. i know they have a careers test you can do, which helps,
    a similar test can be done at
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    'swanlexia' sounds like a mental condition lol