Ady An's drowning act scares Vanness Wu

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Earlier, Ady An filmed a drowning scene but because her acting skills looked so real, the drama crew & the lifeguard team on standby thought she was really drowning. The director immediately yelled cut, filming stopped and everyone jumped into the sea to save her! Hence, Ady had to come up with her own cipher: “If I start swearing, then I’m really drowning, only come save me if you hear those key words la!”

    Ady has heart problem; drama crew very nervous

    SETTV idol drama ‘Autumn’s Concerto’ earlier filmed the scene of Ady going to work at the fisheries, but she accidentally falls into the sea and almost drowns. Because Ady doesn't know how to swim at all, and with her heart problem, the drama crew especially requested a professional lifeguard team to be on standby if something were to happen. However, only a few minutes filming into the drowning scene, director Chen was so startled with shock that she immediately yelled cut, and everyone jumped into the sea to rescue her. Vanness Wu said: “Because Ady’s acting looked so real, everyone thought she was really drowning, and hence jumped into the sea to save her. Luckily it was just a false alarm.”


    For this scene, Ady had to soak in the sea from noon to evening, and by the end of it, her skin had wrinkles and her lips were blue. She said that because she didn’t know how to swim, while waiting for filming, she had to stay in the water with her life buoy. However, when the sun set, the temperature turned very cold, and her whole body was shivering. Fortunately, the crew specially prepared hot drinks, and a nearby business was also keen to provide them with hot showers.

    Vanness Wu rescues damsel in distress; shouts everyone to hotpot

    During the scene, Vanness has to rescue the damsel in distress. Intitially, to make the effect of the scene even better, they were planning on having Vanness jump into the sea from a 6-metre high platform. However, Director Chen gave up on this idea due to safety considerations. Vanness who loves the water, knew that Ady didn’t know how to swim. Hence, when they were in the water, he kept using his thighs to prop her up, to prevent her from sinking downwards. Ady said gratefully: “To a person who doesn’t know how to swim, it feels so nice having a person who does know how to swim at your side.” And after filming wrapped up for the day, the considerate Vanness generously shouted everyone to hotpot to warm up.

    Source: Liberty Times
    Translation: Sarah @ AF
  2. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    scared me (kinda) too :ohnoes: prety much everything's so real, like what she's doing to her son's fingers...:(