Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud / John Coleman

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by master_g, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. [video=youtube;FfHW7KR33IQ]"[/video]
  2. anyone with fox :facepalm: esp with that asshole of a host
  3. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    30k scientists and only 9000 PHD..hmmm

    Tell the Polar Bears that Global Warming isn't dangerous.
  4. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well to be fair, global warming is happening, but not due to human action...


    This video is really good to see the other side of the story
    It gets really interesting when it gets to Al Gore`s argument and the flaw from the argument itself

    but with that being said, I still believe we should still change our lifestyle...
  5. sccscc85

    sccscc85 Member

    the climate is changing, that's for sure. they are just trying to find a cause. and global warming seems to fit into the picture. as a sceptic, try to debunk it using sound arguments, not saying something like, i breathe out, i create co2, it's natural... blah...
  6. its a natural earth cycle, it warms up then it gets colder.

    global warming is just a reason for more taxes.
  7. i dont think al gore is sued by over 30k scientists, its just this guy alone and other people want to debate with him , i think if anything we should look at china's air quality and the impact humans can have but i'm no expert -tongue2
  8. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    The earths climate is always changing but we aren't really helping it and the air quality is getting worst with it.
  9. ^is 9000 PHD's not a lot? forget the other 21k, 9000 qualified people should cause people to question what they have been told by the media.