Alex Man Officially Retiring as an Actor

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Award-winning veteran actor Alex Man (萬梓良) has announced his retirement.

    At a celebratory dinner on Sunday for his latest film Zombiology <今晚打喪屍>, the 59-year-old actor announced that he will officially retire from acting when he turns 60 years old next July. Alex is a prolific television and film actor, and has been in the industry since the late 1970’s.

    On his decision for having a relatively early retirement, Alex said, “I have diabetes. Although I regularly exercise, doing a movie requires a lot of physical effort. I’m not sure if I’m able to continue to work like that anymore.”

    Although Alex will be backing down from an onscreen career, he plans to continue his interests off-stage, and may take up producing and directing work after his retirement.

    “I’ve always wanted to direct a movie or produce a television drama,” admitted Alex. “I couldn’t decide for a while. I have thought about retiring after I turn 66, because that is when my son turns 21. But not all film studios would be able to change their schedules to accommodate my current [health] situation, so it’s better to just go back to my original plan.”

    Alex Man started off as an RTV/ATV actor in the late 1970’s, and had starred in a number of relatively successful television dramas before transitioning to TVB in the 1980’s. Many of Alex’s TVB dramas became number one hits, putting him as one of the most commercially-successful television actors of Hong Kong.

    Creds: Oriental Daily
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  2. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    didn't know he have diabetes, loved all his work. My favorite quote from him is in "Conman from Vegas" - " you disturb me fucking! your spring pocket will be barbequed!!!"

    and cannot forget his roles in young and dangerous and his old TVB roles
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    TRUEXDREAMS Well-Known Member

    He made many great comedies and dramas for us to watch. He is a well rounded actor! Gonna miss his presence on-screen.
  4. the head of hung hing:chow:
  5. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Ok now I remember who he is. Thanks for that ^ Was kind of hard to tell with this image of him smiling :p
  6. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    he is a great actor. love his work in dramas and movies.