American Idol? You mean the show that throws out a singer that has less than a 3% chance in succeeding in the music industry? lol
^examples, ruben lookin' fat black dude, taylor hicks, guy with the white hair, how they gonna succeed in the current music industry, dunno....they're only popular in the duration of this show, not when they win it lol, then they are forgotten unless they do some stupid shit that fit into the headlines haha...
I believe this is the 5th season of Idol. If I'm not mistaken 3 out of 4 of the Idols have completely dropped off the radar after winning the competition. It's like cheap fireworks. All the hype, all that tension and at the end of it all, you're left with nothing.
There's more than 1 actually. Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. Underwood happens to be one of the most hated blonds in Dallas along with Jessica Simpson -lol.
it's the 7th season and the people that win get less of a chance of succedding then others that lose, well most of them
lol @ the guy who shaved and was wearing a thong(?) hahaha and the star wars girl, and.. and.. there were so many! i love the beginning of american idol, although it makes the show look quite fake, it's still entertaining! oh and y does ppl hate carrie underwood?
^^ I just usually watch it the first week to laugh at people and then maybe for the finale if the singers are any good.
the only winner, a true winner, is kelly clarkson . Did you know she sing the song "timeless", the same song from Korea ? I do prefer the korean version though.
kelly clarkson is so nasty. yuck! idol is only good to watch during the auditions. after that, i stop watching. totally agree with uryu: the guy that waxed his chest and wore a thong.... i think that says it all!
What is the meaning of producing more idols shows??? Only the winner of the first idol show is famous...... Then again I think this idol show, shows the nature of mankind, *watching the suffering of others*. -evil We find it funny to see people, getting told that they are a worthless, crappy , 0% talent...etc I mean people who goes to the audition, has alot of courage and hope, and in the end they are getting *scolded* ......-noclue
Lol I always watch the auditions cause they are so baaaaaaad. I only watch the season until the end if some one from the audition catches my eye. Like last season a korean guy got in and I thought "Finally, an asian!" but then he was the first to be kicked out so I just stopped watching. :/
jordin sparks is pretty good . i dunno about the rest tho ha. ohh mario vasquez, tho he didnt win, i think he droped out cus he got a contract?
They no fully well of the consequences. It's their own fault if they get humiliated on TV. They've accepted what's going to happen the moment they sign up to addition. If they don't know, then they're just idiots.
lmao. hahaha -- that was exactly what I thought too. we need some Asians in American Idol (that can at least survive up to the top 20~10). it was first a white girl, then a black guy, then a white girl, then a black girl, then a white guy, then last season a mixture of a black/white girl. seriously, wtf? -what?