Lisa S and Ana R attended the opening activities of a new shop for LOEWE, a German Television yesterday afternoon. Lisa S expressed that she always watches television at home, just like her boyfriend who watches anything and everything. But they don't like to see Daniel Wu died. Lisa S told reporter "Once we saw 'One Night In MongKok', he didn't tell me he was going to die in the film. When he died, I was in tears. Now he keeps laughing at me." Speaking about the recession, Lisa S said some clients had asked her to reduce her fees and she told them it was not a problem. Ana R said her fees have never been high anyway "I haven't thought about reducing it. My fees are normal, not like some other high earners." Reporter asked her who are the "high earners", Ana R laughed "I don't want to be "8" (nosey), better not talk about it. I have been eating 3 crabs a week. They are delicious and I want to put on weight." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888@http//www.************