Last night, the "Super Trio" show celebrated their 200th episode of broadcast and recorded a special called "Super Trio 200th Episode Extreme Line Up". This time Super Trio host Eric Tsang invited 30 good friends to participate including Nat Chan, Angela Tong, Toby Leung, Sherming Yiu, Bosco Wong, EO2, etc. The scene was very lively. Rumored couple Chin Ka Lok and Angela tong were the ones getting played the most. As Sherming and Toby having good figures, of course, did not escaped from the being played luck, Chin Ka Lok laughed at them saying they "brought big buns". Last night because there were many guests, there were 4 teams in the competition. Angela and Chin Ka Lok were the couple that was focused on being played on. Before recording, Angela expressed that she'll try to keep it low and wear shades because she expects that she'll get played and also said that she wouldn't mind. But when everyone called her "Ka So" (Daughter in Law), it became difficult for her. When playing the sucking ping pong ball game, Ka Lok and Angela were paired up, Chin Ka Lok said to Angela: "Pretend nothing is wrong." Angela was shy and did not dare to say anything, she just began to blush. Eric also told her to treat the game as playing a game at her own house. In the end, Ka Lok and Angela fought for the ping pong ball mouth to mouth, but Ka Lok was immediately made fun of, saying that he better be careful when he goes home tonight! Source: Mingpao Translated by: aZnangel @ ***
super trio used to be fun to watch but it gets boring b/c the games are the same .. so predictable ... only fun part is to see the guests being played but even that gets dull over time.