The most renowned mythical novel in China, "Journey to the West", as is also known as "Monkey King", will have another new versioned TV series among its many TV incarnations. While director Zhang Jizhong's version has been in pre-production for nearly two years, it seems less-famed director Cheng Lidong will put out a Monkey King TV series earlier than him. The 28-part show started filming at the end of last month, with a series of promotional photos being released on Sunday. Hong Kong starlet Victor Chen, younger brother of singer Kelly Chen, plays the part of Monk Xuanzang and Peking opera actor Fei Yang is cast as the Monkey King Sun Wukong. The production is a joint venture of Zhengjiang Yongle Film and TV Company and actress Fan Bingbing's studio, said Mu Xiaoguang, Fan's manager and producer of the drama. The series is scheduled to be shot in eight months. + asianfanatics
omg that monkey looks horrible >.<, best was ALWAYS Dicky and best series was the first one out of the three =\
totally concur with the other opinions above. the best monkey king will always be journey to the west I. the third series was mediocre. the second one was okay but benny did not play it as well as dicky did
well yeah! i think imma gonna have to go with most of u guys in saying that the first journey to the west starring dicky was the best. the follow up aint that bad either but the newer one by dicky was just waayyy off. there was like no plot to it.
What another one???? Why TVB not considering on filming the Romance of Three Kingdoms series? The previous China version is more than 10 or 15 years ago........ is it because of the LARGE Cast needed & also the Lengthy story line???? I bet many people will be interested in watching this TVB version .... since many have watch Red Cliff & Ressurrection of the Dragon based on ROTK stories........
omg yes dicky was the best of all the monkey series shows things ive ever seen he was soo good at it too