I was wondering if there are any good online shopping sites from hk, especially clothing stores. I live in Canada and theres nothing that compares to Hk stuff. Please help!
There "WAS" an online store for gaming called lik-sang but stupid SONY sued them til they closed down...
yep yep...that site was acutally good...dont think sony sued them though..they threatened to sue them...i just use Ebay for cheap games from HK
not sure...but there are a lot f ads for it...and it must be VERY SAFE..but pricing from what ive seen isnt great and appealing..as i said, if u want cheap games go EBAY...its not as dodgy as ppl say
depends what you want really.. if you want films, dramas, music, games then go to www.yessasia.com if you want hk/jap/korean style clothes then www.yesstyle.com
hmv.co.hk for music and films, although it's often overpriced IF you compare it with other HK stores but it's good enough to get a rough idea of the prices. esprit.co.hk and err, that's about all I know.... oh and mcdonalds.co.hk -lol
most of the shops in hk are American/Japaneses companies...so to answer your questions...they should have it there...it would be www.NameOfCompany.com.hk