any poker / gambling tips 2 lend 2 me..?

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by mingming2006, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    recently, ive learnt 2 play games like texas hold-em, big2...learnt some techniques of winning, e.g. straight flush, royal flush, full house n so on...but i seriously get confused over which is the higher out of all in the whole somebody help me out? n probs put in some tips on winnin - cos i more or less lose like all the tym :'(...well i don't wana embarrass meself in front of friends or my sis hu beats me all the tym - that cheat XD
  2. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    well i am only askin 4 some tips - for playin wit friends or family- but not gambling like for realz XD...not gd enuf 2 become like God of Gamblers - hez da man =P
  3. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    haha i dont have any tips, but big 2 nammer style is SO MUCH FUN. really cheapass'y, but super fun. =]
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    pokers hands so ez straight flush -> four of a king -> full house -> flush -> straight > tree of a kind > 2 pairs > pair > high card.....u really gota get used to the game and understand it in order to learn techniques to win..its like statistics..just know how to bluff and know when to fold...if u dont' got pocket pairs or a face card on ur hand then fold unless u have a flush draw or a straight draw....too hard to explain..r u old enuf to gambel? lool
  5. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    lol - like they say "everyday ppl learn somethin new" knda gettin used to playin these gamez...with the influence of 赌神 :D (God of Gamblers- aka my fav all time chinese film series) - 5 stud poker...i am old enuf 2 play =D...i fink; 16 @ da mo but nd 2 w8 2 more years 2 play proper poker =D...but cld lose all the tym lol
  6. cakl

    cakl Member

    However show hand? Dicey Business anyone? XD