basically twitching underneath the eye or uncontrollable blinking of the eyes. here's the wiki page on it: I had this many times when i don't get enough sleep or play games for a really long time. Chinese believe it happens when someone is saying bad things to you behind your back (just a belief)
Yeah I have this too once a while and my mum also says it's because someone is talking bad behind your back. I like to think I curse that person 100x worse things than he/she's saying about me lol But it's always very short, just a few seconds.
^ i had it a couple times, one time it was a whole day (must have pissed someone off pretty badly lols), even after i sleep and woke up it still twitched, felt really bad, people tell me to pull on the eyelids, that didn't work too well and the blinking thing, that became a problem for me like a month or two in middle school and high school, really weird.
^nah, thought it was too little of a problem to go to a doctor lol, problem went away so i didn't care about it anymore.
hmmmm i was told that twitching eyes mean something good or bad will happen depending on which eye is twitching. Wasnt sneezing out of nowhere mean that someone is yelling at you?
yah .. i thought eyes twitching because something good or bad about to happen. if not mistaken, left is bad and right is good. my right eye twitch for like a few days the other day ... i went to buy lottery. haven't check the winning numbers yet ... maybe i'm a millionaire now.
I had twitching in my right eyes for a good 3 days. It was bothering me so much and was annoyed by it. I did some research and in some culture, twitching in the right eye means that someone is missing you while twitching on the left means someone is slowly forgetting about you.