Well, I was originally born in Canada, but as a Chinese-Canadian, I can speak Cantonese (And only Cantonese unfortunately) quite fluently, but like many others, I cannot read a single letter of traditional or simplified Chinese. Anyone else here have the same thing?
i'm BBC, i can read an write however i have a few friends that cant.....but they do recognize the odd Chinese word or two...
i'm even more sad, i was born and raised in Hong Kong till i was 6. yet, i don't know how to read most chinese characters. i can speak cantonese though, but there are times where it's all gibberish to me.
係咪因為你根本唔識睇D中文字 人哋話你你就覺得自己有D低B WELL 你只係可以怪自己 邊個叫你細個學中文唔俾D心機 除咗自己個名我都識其他嘅字 人口大小心一至十全部都咁容易 你問我其他嘅我就答你halahei 所以你好少機會會見到我唱K 除非 首歌我根本已經識得Sing 咁就唔駛歌詞都唔會俾人殘酷一叮
your chinese is bare good like....u probably more fluent in speaking it than me... i always mix chinese an english 2geva when i speak
born and raised in Luxembourg...can speak cantonese fluently, mandarine...not really lol, reading...just a little bit...writing...not at all
YEa, i think im sort of a disgrace to my roots.....some of my boys thought im a dumbass because they kno how to read it and i dont.
Same for me Loool.... I can speak pretty well but... when im listening to canto songs sometimes I cant pick out the words. I think they use different words when singing and talking. Like they wont say ABC hay gno, they usually would say ABC si gno, or something like that >> I can pick out like basic basic chinese words ^_^ and write ...ham sup Lo... and da fay gay... haha
omg .. can some one explain to me what bbc and abc stands for cause i do not understand a word .. oh and i was born in england ....still living in england and yh i speak canto fluently i can read some ... like one that are like obvious of what it means ....and i cannot write it at all .......too many flicks and ticks ...
That's pretty common, nothing to be ashamed of . I've given up on trying to learn how to write Chinese, readings more useful and easier to learn.
BBC-British Born Chinese? ABS-Australian/American Born Chinese I'm ABC, born and raised in Sydney, can speak cantonese but can't read or write, studied mandarin for like 6 years and stopped but I regret it now lol. One I'm at uni or something, I want to learn fluent canto and read and write it properly.
can understand n speak cantonese. read n write just a tad bit. can speak toi san. speak very little mando but can understand a little more