I usually use cold tea back or just rinse my face with cool water. If that doesn't, concealer or foundation helps lighten/hide/reduce the appearance of it.
panda eyes? you mean dark circles under the eyes.... there is no permanent fix to getting rid of the dark circles. it can be genetic, lack of vitamin k, and etc. things that can be done to minimize the appearance are placing teabags under eyes, make up, drink plenty of fluids/liquids and sleep normally...
just sleep more.. or there are some creams or something that hides them temporarily.. im not quite sure of this stuff.. but i've seen the advertisements about them! hope it helps! >.<
well makeup only covers it up temporarily, doesn't take it away... but as all haf sed, def just rest =) or just go to facial parlours, and sleep while they do stuff to u heheeh
myself have it all the time, get more rest also won't go.......... i think should be genetic....... i have to wear glasses, so that people can't notice it clearly........ when come to attend any function, have to wear contact lens and put more makeup to cover up :(
There's already a link on this http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14911&highlight=dark+circles