Are Nalgene Clear Bottles safe?

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by vincentfok888, May 28, 2007.

  1. vincentfok888

    vincentfok888 Well-Known Member

    I recently heard on the RADIO that certain water bottles with a RECYCLE SYMBOL 7 are not safe to use as the LEECH TOXINS into the water you drink:

    "The wildly popular transparent and often tinted Nalgene bottles are made out of polycarbonate, a plastic material that itself is made from bisphenol A. This is the compound studied by Tufts' Ana Soto, which has been implicated in many health effects by over 100 scientific studies, including superb research by Dr. Soto on breast cancer. The article should have recommended against using these bottles, instead of endorsing them because they are rigid. Bottom line? Avoid bottles labeled #7. "

    Even when I went to the Nalgene website they point to the safety of their clear plastic bottles....but they claim that the levels at when the "Leeching of Bisphenal A" is within safe limits.

    So as of now I stopped using my Nalgene clear plastic bottle and use a HDPE bottle instead. wHat do u guys think??
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    im too poor to afford one of these cool bottles, i just reuse old pop bottles or a thermos
  3. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................


    this isnt good.

    i have to go and check for number 7 now.... brb.
  4. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

    shit. it is a 7..

    im going to die.


    time to buy a new cooler one XD
  5. vincentfok888

    vincentfok888 Well-Known Member

    : ( I just found out that all Recycle Triangles with the number 7 are questionably not safe including the Water bottles from CULLIGAN, Arctic Chiller, and most Water bottling companies that sell jugs of water.
  6. shit. i gott check all my other ones now...
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Although the colorful, durable and lightweight Nalgene water bottles have been the hydration choice of outdoor enthusiasts, scientific evidence has shown the plastic used to make the bottle may pose serious health hazards.

    Made from Lexan polycarbonate resin and marketed through Nalgene Outdoor Products, Lexan was envisioned to be the ideal material for water bottles due to its durability and the way the material of the bottle didn’t hold any odors or flavors to distort the taste of the liquid being stored in the bottle.

    A study that involved researching birth defects and developmental abnormalities that caused miscarriages in mice raised the suspicions on all polycarbonate plastics.

    The study revealed a sudden increase in aneuploidy, a defect consisting of abnormal loss or gain of chromosomes, which in humans could possibly lead to miscarriages or disorders such as Down Syndrome.

    The spontaneous jump in mouse aneuploidy was traced back to a lab worker, who used a strong detergent to clean the mice cages and water bottles. The effects of the detergent resulted in the plastic attaching itself to bisphenol, a chemical that mimics the female hormone estrogen.

    Research has shown that low BPA levels have had an adverse effect on prostate development, tumors, breast tissue development, sperm count and enlargement of fat cells in the body.

    Scientists have warned against allowing any polycarbonate plastics near your food or water and stated the devastating effects of these chemicals posed the biggest risk to babies during early development.

    Despite the warnings, polycarbonate plastics continue to be used in a wide variety of products including food storage cans, dental sealants and the Nalgene Lexan bottles.

  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    this is gay, i drink from those large culligan water cooler bottles every day
  9. shit. my sperm count is low now... LOL

    anyways, all my bottles are 7s :(

    good thing i got an aluminum one from nasa :D
  10. cptwalrus

    cptwalrus Active Member

    i think i'm gonna die... in about 50 years.

    thanks for the info. it pays to live healthy. gonna throw away my red nalgene bottle.
  11. i had a green nalgene bottle, a free green bottle from the metro canada newspaper (no. not straight men dressed gay. <_<) and a blue one from my university.....
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, it may be toxicant sipping to drink from a Nalgene bottle.

    But my first question would be: What are the alternatives?

    Regular bottles? Doesn't work as they are environmentally unfriendly and even more toxicant sipping than Nalgene, not to mention they are not durable.

    I always thought that glass bottles are the best, but it's fragile and I don't they will ever allow that on planes nowadays.

    Metal ones are cool but they don't really keep its content hot/cold long enough. Plus they would dissolve into the content too, especially if the water is slightly acidic (I think)...

    So like the energy dilemma, before there is a viable alternative, I would personally say "keep using it" because it's the lesser of two evils.
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    try it and tell us
  14. lol.... hiakes got a point.. but im not sure about the metal ones dissolving tho..

    i have an aluminum one from nasa, and yes, youre right, its heat capacity blows... hot, cold, it becomes room temperature in a second.
  15. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Dont think its too much of a big deal about it. Its like talking about the food we consume everyday, researchers always come up with something new on their lists of being not user friendly, does it mean that we should completely stop eating it?
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @wind: I just changed all my contacts solution because the brand I use is reportedly recalled by BOTH the company AND FDA for safety reasons... Contain some protein which is prone to amoeba growth or something...
  17. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^lol, at that extent of course. But did you know that even FDA approved medications might cause problems, just that they are not aware of it now. Btw, u mean the contact solution that was recently on the news rite?
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Yup, that's it...

    I have to suffer through Saline and AOSept... Because I knew all along from day one that it is the CLEANEST and healthiest (according to my optometrist friend).

    But it's just so inconvenient @_@bbb
  19. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ Oh well, incovenience is often the best for us. Same thing as the chinese proverb regarding sweet medicine is poison, bitter medicine is the remedy. -^_^
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Unfortunately so...

    But really, there are quite a few contact lens solution being recalled either by manufacturer or FDA since the whole "no-rub" technology came about... Make me wonder if it's really such an wonderful idea as it appears to be...

    And I would personally deck anyone who make a joke on the previous statement. Serious.