Are relationships worth the time & money?!

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Felix, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. Felix

    Felix Active Member

    Hahaha found while browsing on xanga. What do you guys think?

  2. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Perhaps the guy who wrote this is so disillusioned by this because he hasn't found the girl who is willing and capable of holding her own.

    In the beginning of every courtship, it's customary for guys to pay for the girls, because girls are the ones who are being 'courted.' So by paying for her dinners, it's showing that you are genuinely interested (sing yee) in her. No girl would want to go on a second date with with you if you were the one who asked her out, but didn't offer to pay up for the dinner or whatever you take her to do because she certainly didn't ask for you to go out with her.

    & when you actually do get into the relationship, provided that it's the right girl, she will offer to pay for her own stuff.

    When I'm in relationships, I always offer to go half, but if the guy says no, don't complain that it was expensive or what not.

    But, money isn't everything. If you actually do get a girlfriend, what makes you think that you're going to have to spend 3x as much to keep her? If a girl likes you for who you are, the material things wouldn't matter.

    As for being worth the time and effort, only you can decide. To some guys, it may be worth it because they find enjoyment in dating. But you may not feel the same. Only you know what's important to you and what's not.
  3. kinni3

    kinni3 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you its not worth the time or money ... if your going out on a date why not jus pay for yourself, jus b/c your going out with someone doesnt mean you have to pay for everything

    ... im in a relationship although my bf always offers to pay I personally dont think its fair cuz we both dont have a job soo why does he have to pay?? And if you find a girl thats only happy when you buy her things and pays for everything then i dont think she's worth your time. Cuz she's no different from a hoe jus selling herself out and taking advantage of guyz (thats jus sad >=( )
  4. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    i agree with shy... if YOU're going to ask a girl out obviously YOU should pay for the meal. Like you wouldnt just pay for your (girl) friends' meals when you're going out as a group of frns right? Unless it was the other way around and the girl wanted to go out and have dinner... then you show her the back hand if she still wants you to pay LOL
  5. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    Relationships AREN'T worth the time and money, for either boy or girl... but I'd do it anyways if I find the right one.

    As for the guy on xanga, he's just pretty clueless. First off, it doesn't matter that he has no job, no car, and is a full time student. These aren't the only ways of giving women a sense of security. It's up to the guys to figure out methods of doing this though ;)

    But yes, a guy should offer to pay for the first date if he asked her out (unless the date is going that bad), no need to offer more than once. I don't care how poor you are as a starving college student, you can find $15.00 for a fun meal.
  6. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    In a way I guess it is.... but if you really like that person then it shouldn't matter, right? Not all girls are selfish enought to make the guy pay EVERY single time.
  7. ra2fanatic

    ra2fanatic Member

    i think it is worth it, but its always not worth it. its how u feel about it. some can go thru the relationship easily and not have the 'i wish i were single' feeling. if u can manage ur full time student status and balance enuf time to get her attention, then u'll be alrite. i thnk its worth it cuz then u'll get some good experience outta it if it crashes n burns, u can always look bak and see wat u like or dislike about the relationship and build on ur "potential"
  8. derroc101

    derroc101 Member

    i agree
  9. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I used to think to it worth it now when i think back i feel so stupid. It is not worth it.