Initially when two people make out a lot (like kissing, touching) ect.. but later when the female partner doesn't want it anymore and say that been doing it too much she's sick of it does that mean she's sick of you?
err maybe you should try something diffeerent too? how old are you... if old enough i would suggest moving onto sex? lol
it means she's sick of being so physical... she wants something more romantic... light a candle... give her a lil present... tell her how beautiful she is... cook her a nice dinner... rent a DVD she'd like... then u can make out...
it gets really boring when the same thing is happen, and especailly when you know its going to happen.. like making out. should switch it up abit
lol ppl dont like repetitiveness so... try something different.. more romance as dawn had suggested or go to the next base just do something else...
it reallie depends cuse if she reallie lieks yu than its not real buh if shes like relalie sick of yu than yahh she might reallie be sick of yu ><
We still make out but prob is that i can sense she's not as active as before. So i just wonder if she's just bored of making out or bored of me?