I've noticed that the lastest game they have for gamecube is TMNT. Are they going to stop making games since they Wii came out?
Im not exactly sure but; not straight away, they will start to phase out the making games gor GC. cause they know less and less people will play with gamecube and more and more will buy and play wii really depends on how much demand there is. But it there is a time (prob soon) when there will be no more new GC games
i thought they stopped making games for the gamecube years ago, all remember is the odd nintendo game once in a blue moon
They are just going to phase out GC games, though the cross-platform Disney sponsored games (or "film inspired") games should still be offered in GC format for a while to come... That's my guess.
hmmm. very interesting. marketing. its all that. if wii game sales are higher then they might stop game cube game production.