Are you good with words??

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by negiqboyz, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I am putting a sales analysis report together as requested by my direct boss; but he wanted to see a summary of individual sale associate performance.

    Now, overall, there's growth in sale; however, when you look at the individual performance .. it's not so good. Here are the data:

    Associates Percentage of Change in Sale from last year

    Jose R +3.5
    Sophie D +3.7
    Jean M -7.3
    Victor H -10
    Amy W +15.3
    Thom P -1.5
    James C -6.2
    Teresa D -13.1
    Arlis J +7.1
    Harrison T +11.2

    My prob: How can I protect these ppl with a good intro statement that reflect the performance in a more positive light??

    I just need one goooooooood sentence.
  2. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    this should be moved to the homework section or something
  3. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ^ probably =/
  4. Well the difference is a gain 2.7%....

    Emphasize that the companies doing well, and also say we need to pay more attention to the associates that aren't performing up to par.
  5. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    "In light of poor individual sales, group sales as a whole was up..." something like that...

    honestly, ur job isn't to protect these people, if I was the boss I would fire Teresa if she doesn't improve within a short term period... unless she's hawt or something, i might reconsider ;)... but really... ur job is to give it like it is... not to make the decision as to who to fire and who to keep...

    but if u really feel like ur obligated to help these people, find some good stats about them, dont' just depend on one opening statement... like if Teresa had incredibly large sales numbers for one month last year...

    just remember, the economy is sucking right now, if u don't do ur job right, they'll find someone who will... and there are a lot of capable people out there...
  6. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i am surprised this posting was moved to the homework section when it's not even homework to begin with ..

    anyway, i got the report done and everything is okay. i kinda distorted my graph and chart a bit with the raw data and extrapolated a bit here and there to make it all pleasant. i want my team to stay cuz i just started this job a little over a month. i can't jump to conclusion about people's performance but i know with the slow econ, everyone is working hard to make their quota sorta speak. gotta take everything into consideration and past performance too .. most importantly, the concluding number is still "positive" .. that's the main thing and what my boss wanna see even though it's small. firing anyone now will not rectify anything or increase growth but hurt the morale of the team and put everyone into panic mode; not to mention less loyal to you and probably disrespect you as well.
  7. it kinda is homework.... its stuff you work on even outside the office...
  8. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ahh.. it's at the office ... i don't touch "work" stuffs during off hours .. shit, they don't pay good enough for the extra
  9. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    sometimes a little fear is what is needed to get ur team back into shape... it is because the economy is in recession that u should be more straight with everyone in the work place... all ur doing is becoming a "guardian angel" to these guys that aren't doing their jobs... ur making it seem like, "o i can slack off cuz the numbers guy for the boss is a nice guy and is gonna protect my job"... again no... that's not ur job... firing someone is the bosses job... and the boss can't do his job if his numbers and graphs are skewed... i'm not trying to get ur friends fired... i'm just saying u should be straight with them... at the very least, have the boss give them a strong telling off for fcking up... losing 10%+ in sales is a lot... imagine if u didn't have "Teresa" on the job ur numbers would be a lot higher... or hell better yet... what woulda happened if Teresa's numbers were down antoher 3%... she would have dragged the entire team down with her...
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    lol .. i am their boss so i fired them if need be .. some were just hired and i just took over the job not too long so it was like a carry over thing for someone else who was doing this (my) job now. i am pretty strict when it comes to my staff from dress code to deadline or quota so no worry there. i just hate writing report to distort data like that .. that's why i asked around for advice to make it sounds ok/acceptable without really doing that .. but i ended up with my approach anyway. for now, that should cover.