when i was in high there was a class field trip, and we made a stop in a buffet on our way back( it was dark, cold, and everyone was hungry) and like about a hundred something of us were standing in line, some were standing outside the restaurant, and the other kids decided to scare the people eating so that they would leave so we can get in faster(i am still not sure if that theory works). Some of us just look at them with staring eyes through the curtain thingi, whiling hiding our faces. and one of us took a random pic with the flash on and the ppl that were eating were like "wth?" :bigthumb: it was pretty funny at the time, thinking back it's still pretty funny. -laugh so does anyone else has a story of public disturbance, for a lack of better word PS: im pretty bad at telling story so ye...
Hm, I try not to do things like that because I know if someone did that to me I'd be bitching like woah.
wow i'd never do something that bad. The worst i've done was like take a toy from another kid when I was in kindergarden. Other than that ima good boy :rolleyes2
what kind of window? window to a shoe store? then no. but if it's a window to a fine restaurant hmmm... lol and it depends on how ugly your nipple is. lol j/k
OMG flashing your nipple? is that really a disturbance? I would think that guys would like that. Therefore, instead of being disturbing, it would actually be exciting. =)
You perverted little thing...-_-2 I'm not perverted so I'd say it can offend a few woman and give oldmen heart attacks -sweat
Ever think about farting in a crowded area such as a bus so you could get some room to yourself instead of being pushed against another person? YOU SHOULD! unless you just had a taco, then you should probably just fake it, otherwise you'd pass out. -sick2
whoa damn what a friend... why didn't yall just throw a smoke grenade instead...-dead -Super Star -sorc
I think they were unaffected, since we gave up our seats to them. Also, since gas rises, it really only affected the ones standing, our targeted audience.
Lets invade your friends instead of Iraq. If the taco was of better quality, I might drive this year at 2 dollars a gallon.