Arizona parents sue over kids' bath pictures

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Dav, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    PHOENIX — An Arizona couple accused of sexual abuse after taking bath-time photos of their children and then trying to have them developed at Walmart are suing the state and the retail giant.

    Lisa and Anthony "A.J." Demaree's three young daughters were taken away by Arizona Child Protective Services last fall when a Walmart employee found partially nude pictures of the girls on a camera memory stick taken to the store for processing, according to the suit.

    The Peoria couple's attorney said Walmart turned the photos over to police and the Demarees were not allowed to see their children for several days and didn't regain custody for a month while the state investigated.

    Neither parent was charged with sexual abuse and they regained custody of their children — then ages 1 1/2, 4 and 5 — but the Demarees claim the incident inflicted lasting harm.
    The couple is seeking undetermined monetary damages from both Walmart and the state and have requested a jury trial.

    Richard Treon, the lawyer for the Demarees, said the images of the girls were part of a group of 144 photographs taken mostly during the family's vacation in San Diego.
    There were seven to eight bath- and playtime photos of the girls that showed a "portion or outline or genitalia."

    "There was nothing sexual about it," Treon said. "This is a parent's worst nightmare."

    One lawsuit names Arizona, Peoria and the state Attorney General's Office as defendants, claiming that employees from each defamed them by telling friends, family members and co-workers that they had "sexually abused" their children by taking pornographic pictures of them.

    A second lawsuit, naming Walmart as the defendant, says the company is at fault for not telling Anthony Demaree that it had an "unsuitable print policy" and could decide to turn any photos over to law enforcement.

    Calls to Arkansas-based Walmart and officials from Peoria and Arizona seeking comment on the suits were not immediately returned Thursday.

  2. Stupid system, i dont know what to say, this is what happens when there is no balance.

    the person who reported it was prolly a pervert if he saw something sexual in it.
  3. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    that's soooooooooo American xD i laugh
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    messed up world we live in ... don't be taking pics of your children taking a bath together. might be mistaken for an orgy.
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ that's funny .. lol

    i know that the parents probably went through all the a lot of shit but i think the walmart employee only has the kids' best interest at heart. with so many kids being victims of abuse, neglect, and molestation, you just don't know what people can do including your own parents.
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    definitely sue them fuck, what has this world gone to if you can even take pictures of your little children in a bath for family albums wtf its not like they were like teens or whatever. fucking stupid. missing the days when pedophiles were few in numbers now assholes like them has made society extremely uncomfortable and paranoid about everything.
  7. dragon5368

    dragon5368 Member

    It's only happen in "America
  8. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    true .. it's those pedophiles to blame ..

    but it's better to be wrong than not doing anything at all and potentially put the kids in harm way.
  9. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    If this happens to me and I ain't a pedo... I would sue the fuck out of Wal-Mart
  10. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Wow, this is freakin ridiculous...
  11. anythingcute

    anythingcute Member

    hapened to me once, My co-worker came over to my house and while watching at my baby's photos album and suddenly she said that I shouldn't take this kind of photos because this is cleary a child pornography. what the hell. I was so upset, I told her that this is part of a tradition where the baby laid on the tummy and we took his butt naked picture. WHAT is WRONG with these people. Then again, she's 40's and not married, don't even have a boyfriend. Still sometimes I feel afraid, afraid of being a parent in this crazy society.