Given the history of race relation dynamics between African Americans and Asians in general, I'm not surprised that something like this had happened. From the report, it seems that whatever it was that was eating at this guy had been going on for about a year. But something that happened (report indicated that it may have been her sweeping of dog feces off her balcony, where it then landed on his) literally made him snap. Obvious too, was the easy access to a firearm, which is what facilitated this tragedy. A bit more info at the huff: According to the report at Huffington Post, it seems that the couple had a pit bull (already forming an opinion, eh? I know I am) that frequently went and pooped and pissed on their second floor balcony. Reportedly this urine and fecal matter would routinely drip or be dropped onto the old man's balcony; he had complained to building management for some time and apparently, they never enforced building rules regarding animals. This had been ongoing for anywhere from "several months" as one witness stated, or "about a year" as reported in another article. I guess this old man felt without recourse. However, murder probably wouldn't have been on the top of my list, even given the rage. Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't shoot the dog too.