Asian Outcast?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Manchog ^_^, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Manchog ^_^

    Manchog ^_^ Member

    This is both a rant and a love related topid I guess. Being half chinese, I feel that Im an outcast amongst those who are 100% chinese. Although I can't speak cantonese, I make the effort to embrace the culture and listen to chinese music and watch chinese films (which I must admit, are usually much better than British stuff ^_^) etc etc. However, I just feel that because Im half-chinese, Im not good enough to be talking to those in the "chinese crowd" at my college.

    Im also crazy about a really cute chinese girl too. She lives relatively close to me, and at one point we used to share a free period together. However, she seems to avoid me and our conversations rarely extend past the "Hi!" point......I hardly ever see her, but all I want is a decent conversation and a chance to tell her how I feel...

    >.< Awww gawwd!! I want a hug.....
  2. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    aww its okay! there are a bunch of mixed kids in my school... and yeah now that i think of it, they aren't very 'in' with the Chinese crowd....... but most of them are hot!

    hahahaha. and it's just stupid if some girl doesn't like you because you're not full Chinese.. like wtf? at least you appreciate the Chinese culture.
  3. first.. HUG of a boy muahha :p

    i never felt being a outcast eventhough im 100% chinese... ive been grown up between dutch people

    just dont feel like that.. since most of the people will accept you since you are a bit of chinese eventhough you dont how to speak it
  4. quan

    quan Well-Known Member

    im sure they wudnt discriminate if u were half chinese? i mean if they were then theyre not gna be good frends anyway, give it time
  5. martinj

    martinj Guest

    I think it has a lot to do with the language barrier, I have seen that a lot when I moved around, as fast you learn the language of the crowd, you get rather quickly accepted
  6. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    You would be surprised that those who you think that are really Chinese, may not be so Chinese.

    Speaking the language alone is not enough to be considered Chinese.
    It's everything together.

    If you really want to be chinese then learn about your history and family roots, live the culture and adopt some values.

    And that girl you like... have a try, you'll never know.
    It's not hard to learn chinese either, its not to late! ask her to teach you even lol perfect! I've seen westerners speak perfect chinese lol

    Do it for yourself.
    Those Chinese people may not associate with you because they THINK they may not be able to relate to you and plus if you half they can't tell too, it's nothing personal I'm sure of it.

    by the way I'm glad you took the time to re-attach yourself, your not all lost there haha Most people who are mixed would lose their backgrounds or abandon it.