hahah this is so funny..this guy rear ends the other guy and starts using a bar to attack him...fukin pu$$y...doesn't even beat down the guy too
That's right we asians! Can't drive and will beat the shit outta you for talking about it! this is fucked up on so many levels.. stupid ass kid gotta use a bat against a senior!?? Is dude bleeding? omg.. and the stupid ass friends, just filming it..
wat r friends for... there for letting the cops get a hold of the device of him recording his friend beating the crap out of the guy making him bleed and throwing the weapon away. lol did i mention fail as a friend
Apparently he snatch the bat from the senior dude. You can see the senior dude has the bat at the beginning when he's next to the young guy's car
Considering the minor damage to both vehicles, it seemed more a tempest in a teapot. Certainly nothing to get into blows over. Moreover, they were all lucky that traffic was slow moving that day. Else both of the idiots would have been struck and run over. I love how other drivers just ignore them and keep driving, LOL... Oh, and remember that tag number now: WPB 2798 Hmmm... Just a guess, but by the style of license plate (ie 3 letters, space, followed by 4 numbers); is this Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore? Does anyone know?
Wow...this is kinda scary. The old chap should not have taken a bat out with him! This is an aggressive stance towards a minor accident.