ASIANS Pride :: What Makes Any ASIAN Very Proud Of Their Heritage

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    What you will read on this page are only a few of the many of what we Asians made or possess that makes us Asian race very proud of our heritage or very proud of our Asian blood line!

    URL :

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    When you want to use any of the Asian Pride signatures above please copy it and put it on your own webserver or on your own image hosting to avoid the signature being changed or lost because we often doing modification on our webserver. You also have to be aware if you want to use any of the Asians Pride signatures above on a non Asian Internet forum especially if those forum were discussing about Anime, video games, martial arts or any other things related with what we Asians owns and proud of listed on those Asians Pride signatures above because there will be those who will call you as racist or throwing insults at you.
    Those who call you racist or throw insults at you just because you were using one of the Asians Pride signatures above are just those jealous non Asian who were jealous at you or jealous at us the Asians because they probably love one or more of what we Asians owns and are proud of like what listed on those Asians Pride signature above [ Anime, Asians Video Games, etc ] while their race [ those who call you racist or throw insults at you ] didn't own any of it.

    When they don't have any pride they can be proud of their own race while they love what we Asians owns and proud of, they will also call you as a supremacist who trying to say Asians are superior, Asians are the best, etc because they [ those prideless and jealous non Asian peoples ] will read "Asian Girls Asian Race Greatest Pride" as "Asians Owns The Best Girls" or they will read "Asians Advanced Technology" as "Asians Owns Most Advanced Technology" It is very common for a person to felt inferior to other peoples who own what that person love especially if that person have nothing to be proud of.
    There is no racism or nothing wrong in mentioning what you own or possess that makes you proud of as long as you do not discriminating other peoples. There is no racism on saying "Asians Owns Cute Adorable Beautiful Slender Natural Girls" because it does not saying "Asians Owns Cute Adorable Beautiful Slender Natural girls While Non Asian Owns ugly Girls". There is no racism on saying "Asians Owns Anime" because ALL Anime are made by us Asians and not by non Asians, and there is no racism or nothing wrong on saying anything else we Asians owns like what you have read on the Asians Pride signatures above because all of it were all made or possessed by us the Asian race.
    So if there is anyone who call you racist or throw insult at you just because you were using any of the Asians Pride signatures above as your signature on Internet forums then just pity them and always remember to never call us Asians the best or better because no human are perfect and we Asians are not those western peoples known as nazi who call themselves as the best race. Just be proud of what we Asians made and possess!

    You own anything you made or anything that born into your possession

    ASIAN Girls ASIAN Race Greatest Pride
    Our Asian girls not only cute, adorable, beautiful, slender and natural but they are also born, grow and live in our own homeland Asia and even married to our own men Asian men. Every race have their own girls also every race take pride on their own girls and for us the Asian race our greatest pride are our own Asian girls! be proud of our Asian girls!

    ASIANS Owns Anime
    All Anime with no exception are made by us Asians, it is not bragging saying that since it is based on fact that all the Anime out there are made by us Asians. There are even a several non Asian countries who hiring us Asians to make animations for them.
    Anime have millions fans around the world including outside of our homeland Asia, many of them even dress themselves as our Anime characters that shows how deep their love or fanaticism towards our animation that known as Anime.

    ASIAN Video Games
    All the video games you read on the Asians Pride signatures above were all made by us Asians.
    The same with our Anime, our video games also have millions fans around the world who did the same thing dressing themselves or what known as cosplay [ costume play ] as our video games characters, showing how our video games are loved by many - many peoples around the world.

    ASIANS Martial Arts
    All the martial arts you read on the Asians Pride signatures above were all created by us Asians.
    Our martial arts help billions peoples around the world to protect themselves more better. Not only that, our martial arts also used in thousands non Asian movies as well, it make us Asians more proud when we know what we Asians possess or made loved by many-many peoples around the world.

    ASIANS Advanced Technology
    All the advanced technologies you read on the ASIANS Pride signatures above were all created by us Asians.
    The era we live today are the era of technology, the more advanced the technology of one race have then the more bigger the chance for that race to move forward into a more better future. The technology we Asians made in the past to this day are used by many peoples around the world that helps their lives goes easier and easier day by day.
    If you met any non Asians out there who claim they are the inventor of what we Asians made today then just pity them. They are just some hopeless weaklings who cling towards what we Asians made by hoping they will get credits from our hard work. Just because a person make something for the first time, that does not mean other peoples who make the same thing are copying the person who make it for the first time. It is just a matter of time before someone else can make it and not a matter of who make it for the first time.
    What we Asians made like what you read on this page were all made by 100% Asians without any help from any non Asian, we Asians made all of it 100% with ourselves. Especially for Anime, there is not even 1 Anime up to this day that are made by 100% non Asians, those non Asians always hiring us Asians to make it for them even to this day then claim it as their animation.

    ASIANS Owns Almost 3/4 World Oil
    West Asia or what most peoples know as the Midle East have more than 1/2 of the world oil supply and if added with the rest of the other Asian countries oil then it can be up to almost 3/4 of the world oil supply.
    In order to move, energy are needed and to move economy oil are need as fuel. This days oil also considered as black gold, since we Asians owns almost 3/4 of the world oil, it will give more insurance that our race economy will move more smoothly in the future.

    ASIANS Owns Over 57% World Populations
    Over 57% of the world populations were all Asian peoples, you can check all the Asian countries total populations against world total populations. Number are powers, with more peoples we Asian can do more and more for our own better future!

    Very Proud To Be ASIAN!!!
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I wonder if I am going to be flamed if I think that this thread is silly? Because it is.

    It's kind of like, name something a large group of people who doesn't exactly have a lot in common and bundle them as a group. So much for stereotyping. <_<
  3. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    no worries about being flamed hiake, because this guy is an idiot
  4. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    Those who live in Asia without Visa are known as Asians, not American, European, African or any non Asian. I wonder why non Asian like you two make a reply in here, are you two jealous or something? especially the one who call me an idiot because he is very upset and jealous rigjht now.
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    First off, you got telepathy or somethin'? If you think you do, get your brain checked, if not picked, by neurosurgeons please. Because not everyone on PA need a visa to live in any given country in Asia.

    I am definitely upset, for your display of retardation. If you are Asian at all I feel insulted to be coming from the same continent as you are.

    For the record, you were VERY successful in de-faming any Asian pride, seriously. Way to go in tarnishing our reputation.
  6. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    fyi, i'm a girl
    and what do you think you have that i would be jealous of?
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    On second thought, doesn't his two "Asian Pride" posts sounded like advertisements for some bad p0rn? Or babbling propaganda coming from some ignorant otaku?

    And he keeps mentioning "Asian girls"... Perverted.
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    its actually hard to believe that someone could be THIS close minded about an issue. Its almost leading me to believe that this guy is just some sort of joker that is trying to provoke responses just for the hell of it

    he doesn't seem to understand that positive racism and negative racism are ultimately, still racism.

    i also don't understand what he is arguing for.... basically he is saying that there are more asians in the world than any other race.. they make good anime, games and techonlogy... visa-vi... asians are better than anyone else?

    if that isn't racism then i don't know what is.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And funny how he keeps on insisting that whoever doesn't agree with his view is 1. Jealous; 2. not-Asian.

    Oh wait, it wasn't funny at all. It's this kind of attitude which segregates groups of people (and eventually lead to certain bloodshed, remember the Nazis? Or say, KKK?)...
  10. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Seems like OP definitely needs to have a mental checkup with all his pride and jealousy.
  11. DataBeast

    DataBeast New Member

    It's got to be obvious by everybody that these types of threads are just meant to full hatred and make people stray from making coherent arguments. The more responses he gets, the more he enjoys the whole thing. At the same time I think it's pretty funny and I hope he doesn't get banned just yet :D... you guys can't take things too seriously on the web.
  12. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    This gotta be a joke.
  13. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    nope...apparently this thick headed idiot made a fuking webpage on a really weak and perverted statement on asian pride!!! Oh I also left out bias...
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    to summarize all of this nonsense...this dude is like the chinese version of KKK....ok maybe a bit less extreme...but u guys get the idea....
  15. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Lurk moar.

    BTW you're an idiot. And no I'm not jealous of some close minded fool. AND I AM ASIAN. Ok???
  16. lol Asian fag from Asia

    you know what you should do? from an asian guy to an Asian fag, ill give you well needed advice..

    move to Africa and give your new fellow citizens that monstrous speech of yours.

    if you dont get sodomized by baboons and ripped to pieces and have spears up your ass by the citizens there, the civil war going on there will get you with a bullet up the ass and into your brain made out of watery diarrhea shit.

    fucking fag.

    and i am a Vietnamese, with Vietnamese blood flowing in me. i do not have "asian blood" flowing in me.

    and to think he just joined yesterday.

    i bet high he came to this forum just to pull his shit on us. ban this fucker.
  17. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    well well..what do we have here...
  18. "Asian Guy From Asia" your wasting your time here, you wont get very far. he is prolly from one of the sites hating on us.
  19. theres site hating on us?
  20. ^im sure there is, sites that wish to be as popular as this one
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