ASK Kaze_no_message

Discussion in 'Member 411 + Pics' started by Kaze_no_Message, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Kaze_no_Message

    Kaze_no_Message New Member

    Hello Ppl,

    I am Kaze_no_Messega, aka Message of the Wind, My real name is Michael and I am currently livin' in Nice, La France. I speak French, English and Canto of course.
    Further I have made this thread as a sort of column, what means that you, ladies and gentlemen of PA, can ask questions to me in this thread. If you don't have the courage to post your "embarrassed' question here, you can also send me a private email of course.
    Also: ppl here can also react on the questions/ my answers!
    (Don't think my answers are going to be shit, in other forums it was a great success)
    Ppl, help me with this thread, just give it a try!


    ps picture will come later, still have to get a new camera...
    #1 Kaze_no_Message, Feb 14, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2008
  2. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    qustion: is there a great deal of racism towards the chinese in france?
  3. Kaze_no_Message

    Kaze_no_Message New Member

    Well, in the town Nice, there is not a lot of racism. There the sun shines, people are kinder and much more intelligent. But in some parts of France, where are lots of junks, ppl on the street..., there is a big chance that you might get in touch with rasicm. Even in the beautiful city Paris, where racism is a bit big there, because of "rude" people there. But also cities where a lot of black people are, you can get in trouble there, becouse they think that they are 'better' than asian people.
    But however Chinese people are not prey there (in France) for these beasts, but the Viets are, unfortunately.
  4. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    and why are the viets particularily hated?
  5. Kaze_no_Message

    Kaze_no_Message New Member

    Because a lot Viets live in a sort of district together. Then rumours start. When I lived in another city, the black and white guys of my previous school pushed me away and say that I was a "dink" (a term of abuse for Viets), but then they found out that I was not part of, as they called, that "Vietnamese poor district." And I never have been pushed away.
    This means that the huge ammount of the Viets (yes I have been there to that district) causes racism to some other people and the fact that a lot came there, because of the Vietnam War, they think that they want to take over theit country.
    I have heard this that the Dutch people also have these problems, but then with Turks, but in contrary to the Viets, where in few places this appears, almost everywhere is racism towards them.
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    because dann went there and they hated him lol
  7. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    welcome to pa, wow france- just wondering are your the first generation (within ur family) that's there? or were your parents born in france? furthermore- are you mixed? lots of questions lol
  8. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    hello michael ... no questions from me, just
    welcome to PA -flow
  9. mikeyh

    mikeyh Well-Known Member

    welcome to PA
  10. missdiorcherie

    missdiorcherie Well-Known Member

    HI !!
    i'm from FRANCE too
  11. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye welcome to PA, or should i say bonjour, comma ca va?
    must say lovinglyxx i don't believe we were able to ask so many questions about u.
  12. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    noone asked lol