sorry, i'm REALLY pissed at a friend right now and i got to ranting about the person but if you want to read the REAL story, skip down past the blank space this is a friend who i've known for a long time (we use to be best friends in high school) she doesn't have a lot of friends, so she still considers me a GOOD friend, to me, i kinda grown up, i get annoyed at how she still acts like a middle school student(but she's graduating from college this year), how she's not responsible nor polite, brags all the time, acting like she know everything (even when she has no clue what she's talking about) and any time she does something incorrectly ALWAYS if full of EXCUSES (I've almost never hear her admit she is wrong) ie. playing badminton, oh, something is wrong with the racket ie. problem with the printer, oh this paper isn't cut right ie. bad grade, oh the teacher is just bias she is never at fault, always blames other things, other people for any problem that arises she's one of those people, if she doens't feel comfortable doing something (even minor everyday things) she REFUSES to do them. And will make a huge deal and act like she's SO superb if she did it, such as boiling water for tea OMG so I just dont like dealing with her, but i stick by her sometimes becuase i feel guilty just dumping her aside cause she's just so damn clueless and she's got not many other friends (except others that are equality or almost as dense as her) but I have to do all these things for her because of obligation (and because i have no good reason why not to be a good/nice person to her), and if i dont, i'm the bad friend, I'm already known as the one who ditched her and a few other girls ok so what happened this time she asks me if she can stay at my place, in case her friend doesn't pull through apparently she had an interview (in a town a hour and a half away from where she lived) in a few days, and her friend had offered to let to ask his parents if she could stay at there place (without her friend being there) i couldn't believe she was willing to accept that offer, how rude of a situation but since i live near enough to her interview place, i told her, i rather you come and stay at my place (even though i really didn't want her to come, but wouldn't say no) instead of inconvenienting people you dont even know so that morning she messages me, talking about traffic and her plans for the day it pretty much sounds like her friend didn't pull through and she needs to come over and stay (i dont like it, but i wont say no) guess what, she never showed up no call, no nothing it's two days later, and i talked to her on msn, well more yelled at her she blames her cell phone for dieing on her she blames that her room mate wasn't around so she couldn't borrow her cell from her she wouldn't call me later, because she thought it was stupid to make two calls, one now and one later in the evening to ask me for advice interviews (because she doesn't know what to do) she also wouldn't call me earlier becuase she doesn't like talking to a voice mail (she ended up staying at her parents place, which honestly made her trip no closer, so her roommate wouldn't stop noteing to me what a stupid and useless decision she made) and while she was at her parents place she went online (i know cause she was blogging), but she wouldn't email or try to talk to me then she says she was to stressed to remember she can email me she does say she's sorry, but it seems more of she's only saying it because i am yelling at her, but if i wans't mad, there wasn't a need to say it or even bring it up then she gets made at me for not understanding her situation, her stress we got into more arguments about our friendship after this but that i wont include later i was thinking, was a little too mean, was i to harsh, should i accept her apology i thought about it for a while was i to close minded? was it, whatever she said, i would still be mad at her, whatever she said, i would not accept her apology and then it hit me, a whole bunch of different things she could have said for me to accept her apology she could say, i'm really sorry, how can i make it up to you or i'm sorry, i really did appreciate your offer, i'm the one who made the mistake or i'm sorry, i promise to never do that again, i feel extremely bad or I'm sorry, i understand i asked alot of you, i understand that how much i inconvienced you, or i'm sorry, i understand why you are mad at me, you have the right to be (instead of throwing it back into my face that i'm the bitch in the situation) or i would have denfinatly accepted her apology if she got a hold of me first and said sorry before i was the one who had to contact her to tell her what she did was not cool
goodness... you have quite the bad luck dont you... you get caught in the middle of the worse situations... this here, and the other.. im very sorry for that.. i gotta give you respect. you are one tough girl!
lmao.. when I first read the title... I was like.. asks for a favor, then blows me off... hmm isn't that a good thing?? -lol
well something my ~guy~ keeps mentioning to me is why do you stay friends with (so & so) and he has a small but decent number of names to list off there as long as i once called you a friend, I will do anything for you. Relationships are not 50/50, I know that. I try to be a good person, if I can help out a person than i try to. In fact I feel a lot of guilt for denying a friend help if i have no real reason that i actually can not physically help them. And just not feeling like it, or it being annoying is not a good reason to me to not help someone. So even though I know some of my friends use me more than they should. Do as Jesus would. ~sigh~, being christian blows sometimes.
well I bet a lot of other people go through as much trouble as I do just that they dont talk about it as openly on a forum as i do i realized, I have changed a lot over the 4 years i use to bottle up ALL my negative emotions inside, then finally blow up on someone now i talk a lot about my fustrations both have there goods and there bads i mean bottled up, than everyone else doesn't know how annoyed i am at people but venting releases my pain, but lets people realize how many negative thoughts i really have
lol screw u n your facebook group nucca... more like you wanna be my friend.. cuz I gots all the dep gais.. -lol
bditch her, she doesn't deserver to be frinds with u. obviously u care about her, she just didn't accept it. seriously i have a friend that always tells me he is coing over, but never shows up. He acts as nothing happen the next day. now i rarely talk to him and i guess he found out and then apolopgiese afterwards. u should ignor her untill she apologize to u. if she doesn't then forget her. lifes to short of worrying about a friendship that one half of its peice doesn't vaule it.
She sounds like a bad friend, they are also called emotional vampires, they just suck you dry of your life force. hmm she has really low regards for her friends.
if your the type of person to do so... try direct confrontation w/ some sorta "talk" and and everytime they pull one of those excuses or somthing stupid remind her of the little talk. worked w/ one of my friends lol... he was a jackass and pretended to be a know it all ... his favorite phrase used to be "Studies have shown..." (hope he doesn't go ^^; lol) everyone just will suddenly start imitating him breaking the mood of what ever he was gonna say. pretty funny how that developed heh. he doesn't do that any more... cept he now says "empirical evidence has shown..." once in a while. not as bad as before though lol fun times...
depending on the person, for her, i was very blunt with my feelings but she had an excuse for everything said i was at fault for not understanding what she was going through, her stress HA, i went job hunting just 3 months ago, how much do i not know what she's going through gah, she's just one of those stupid people you feel sorry for becuase they just dont get things and her family aren't very poliet people, they dont try to act rude, they just dont realize they are rude so her mom kinda pisses me off, but she thinks her mom is the smartest best person int he world so critizing her mom is not an option eh, i'm not going to be one of those people who ditch there friends for the guy
^ thats good! i hate people who put bf/gf before friends.. BROS BEFORE HOES! err in srl's case then chicks before dicks. but im sure you got guy friends as well.. meh..