interesting cant believe some places allow ppl to have sex at 12 or 13 but to the illegal homosextual sex..... do they go to jail or hang them like borat says in kazhakstan
at the age of 12 is classified as being legal is kinda disturbing...that is gross.... but i guess in some contries you can have sex as soon as you can begin menstruation
as long as the parents allow it..i think girls can have sex as early as 12...or was this marriage? lol
Can you care to give the info where? As far as I know, the legal age is 16. It would be deemed illegal to have sex with someone below 16, irregardless of consent given. It's a crime
I am not sure about the legal age being 16 part... but in Canada, I think that as long as the two parties involved do not have age difference grater than 3 (or was that 4 years?), and is consensual, sex with underage is NOT illegal... But of course, it depends on your locale...
i thought it's marriage. i could be wrong though ... never pay much attention to the age limit ... i like my woman ... a woman and not some kid with under developed boobs!
If there's grass on the field, play ball! Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed. Hit it before puberty does.
18 in the states?!?!?! in canada, age of consent is 14... so you can have sex at 14... nasty but legal lol
i thikn its 14 in uk...or is that 14 the age where you can get married without consent ...blehhh cant rember lor...
-what? the varying ages for sex & marriage are all very surprising. i thought anything goes once you're 18 the legal adult. and i didn't know having sex was breaking the law? i understand statutory rape but there's a whole bunch of teens nowadays just doing it anyways.
actually i learnt it in sex.ed and in r.e/r.s o yeh..u can also get married at 16 but need parental consent..