hey everyone, I need tad bit of help and its really bugging me i burned like 5 dvds of the most recent chinese dramas and when im watching it the audio/voice does not match to what the person is saying its like delayed a bit and I was wondering if there is anyone to fix it? plz let me know it would be really appreciated p.s. I went through 30 pages in this section to see if anyone had this problem before me but flitering through so many pages i got tired and i gave up :S haha
I think people here need more information to be able to help you out. So a couple of questions: - What was the original video format before you burned them to DVD ? (e.g. RMVB) - Does the audio play in sync with the original video format on your PC ? - What were the exact steps you followed to burn them to DVD ? (e.g. converted them to DVD format using WinAvi and then burned them using Nero) - Does the audio play in sync with the converted video format on your PC (so before you burn it to DVD) ? - How are you playing back the DVD ? (e.g. DVD player, PC, XBOX, etc etc etc)
oh sorry! i converting it using WINAVI to dvd format and then burning it with Nero and it plays fine on my dvd player the visual aspect just the audio part lags and watching it on the PC everything was in sync so i hope that clarifys it some more and the shows are in rmvb format just download directly from the links posted up from all the uploaders =)
I suggest that you do another convert with winavi (thats if whats your using) and then check if the audio is in sync afterwards on the converted then you will know whether the fail in winavi itself. If this is the case then I suggest you either stop using winavi, update to a different version or check your settings. Anyway to fix those which are out of sync you can using virtualdub (freeware) then click "Audio" and then "Interleaving", here you can fix your audio but this means you will have to re-encode and re-burn. Make sure you have all the required codecs too. Using avisynth is the best way to encode but it will take you ages to learn You can also fix it with xvid4psp (under Audio and editing options and name is misleading I know ) which is good cuz it uses avisynth (providing you know how to edit this) and encodes with x264 and everything is laid out so it be suitable for any begginner/noob, note that encoding x264 in avi is fail so I dunno why that is there.
thanks for the recommendations! i downloaded both avisynth and virtualdub and im confused already as to what im am suppose to do haha i went to audio and clicked on interleaving and what do i do after that? sorry nooobie at this :S but does that mean i don't need winavi anymore? and how do i open video to edit on virtualdub? sorry for the constant questions!
You can use winavi but if it IS causing the out of sync audio then I suggest you recheck the settings on there and if you can't figure out what the problem is then reinstall, update version or use a different convertor. If your a noobie I don't recommend you use avisynth, it take at least maybe a year for most people to get the hand of using scripting and filters (avisynth has no GUI and uses scripts) but if your a pro, avisynth is a very powerful tool for video editing and processing. Plus you need other apps besides avisynth. If you have some experience then you can use just virtualdub but like I said if you have none at all you can try using xvid4psp (and yeah the name is misleading but its just not for psp and its freeware), its quite good since it has all the presets and some pre-done scripts that can help if some of your vids have noise, blocks etc and also most of the necessary programs in one package. Its all set out in a nice GUI so its very easy to use and to fix audio go to audio then editing options. You can also preview your file before encoding so this will help you fix yout timing
Let's go back to the questions for just a moment. What both me and DragonLoaded would like to know is the following: After you finish converting the RMVB to DVD with WinAvi, is the audio still in sync when you play it on your PC (so before you burn it to DVD) ? I definitely do not recommend you to try to fix audio sync problems if you have no experience, instead try to find another way of converting the RMVB and then burning it to DVD. For example: 1. Try to use WinAvi to convert the RMVB first to MPEG2. 2. Check if the audio for the MPEG2 video is working fine on your PC. 3. Create a video DVD using (for example) Nero Vision or some other DVD authoring software. Btw, which version of WinAvi are you using ?
hey guys, thanks a lot for the suggestions i really appreciate it =) Im using winavi version 9.0 and i checked the out of sync starts after i convert it using winavi when im previewing it using VLC player =) As to the settings what would i change it to if i was to fix it? Thanks for all the help so far again! =) *bows*
oh yeah maybe this could be the problem also...whenever i convert i see the msg "can't decode this file! Maybe the file is broken or the relative decoder is not installed!" what would the decoder i download? :S
If you haven't installed the Real Alternative codec yet, please do so and then see if you still get this error message: http://www.codecguide.com/about_real.htm If this does not help, then in WinAvi ... click on the MENU button, then choose "View the Clip Info", open one of the files that gives problems and then copy/paste the output to this thread.
To be honest if winiavi hasn't got the proper decoders installed within itself then its a fail app (i.e. what is the use of a convertor if it can't properly convert something it suppose to) but I only used winavi once years ago cuz there are much better apps out there and most of them are freeware too. If I recall when I first used it (older version) I needed to download something to properly convert RM from the winiavi menu somewhere and I don't think it was real alternative but you can try to see if it works but it may not work since its a external decoder as winavi may need a decoder of its own =p By the way is it your first time using winavi (if no, did it happen before? Then you might have accidently changed some settings if it didn't happen before) Edit: I just download the version you have and apparently I needed to download something called HelixSDK before I can covert any RM file, do you remember downloading that ????? This is when I clicked on that huge "RM" button on the main menu so this might be your problem but its to covert any to RM =p And how is your problem with your out of sync files ??? xvid4psp should be much more easier for you to use than virtualdub and you can just forget about avisynth, its too hardcore for you Edit 2: apparently helix link that winavi 9.0 supplied doesn't go anywhere, you can get helix here or direct link here
hahaha thanks dragonloaded u are soo correct on the avisynth part it is wayy too hard for me to learn can barely manage winavi and thankssss a bunch too phantoman really appreciate all the advices!!! and i will try them all and nope didn't download no HelixSDK or any other codec actually..i use to use the older version and it had no problem for winavi till i donwloaded the winavi 9.0 version then the voice started to go hay wire :S if i encounter problem still i will let you guys know!!! hehe thankss again!!
maybe go back to the previous version of winavi i guess cos u didn't have any problems with it before. then re-encode.
oh so i went through all the thread as to where i got the Winavi version 9.0 from and it was actually labelled wrong its still version 8.0 but sides that i went through downloading the codecs that phantoman suggested with regards to the Real Alternative codec its still not working *sigh* i think i am gonna give up lol but i downloaded AVS Video Converter 6.2 and it seems like something tech illiterate like me can use! =) however i was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share or teach me how to get an activated version instead of the non activated version i have now with the watermark and stuff =( I appreciate all the helps! =)
If you still have problem with winavi, I suggest you try converting using another software. Have you tried ConvertXtoDVD or Santa DVD?
noope never tried ConvertXtoDVD or Santa DVD but im trying this one called AVS Video Converter it looks simple enough for a comp illiterate like me to use though =) just need the key for it to remove the watermark tingie :(
Here is a link to a trial version of AVS Video Converter with the relevant patch. [HIDE=1] Credits to "laser" from another forum: http://www.easy-share.com/1904305864/AVS.Video.Converter.[/HIDE]