Why do CHINESE, VIETNAMESE, & KOREAN people pour "soy sauce" over burn????? The salt will the dry the skin and even stint the burn. I can understand the rid of blister and all but it's WRONG. Someone else know a more "rational" reason behind the practice.
google can do wonders =] "Professor of surgery Gary Purdue of UT-Southwestern Medical Center says it may take some pain away, but only because it stops air from moving across the surface of the burnProfessor of surgery Gary Purdue of UT-Southwestern Medical Center says it may take some pain away, but only because it stops air from moving across the surface of the burn" http://www.nbc5i.com/entertainment/13212040/detail.html
LOL... I've always saved the soy sauce for the food, and kept the burn under the tap. reminds me of some comedy where the person accidentally pours chilli sauce instead of soy sauce.... "OUCH!!!"
but i thought, if we got burnt an it turned into a scar of w/e, we're not suppose to eat soy sauce? cos it will make the scar darker? O____o;
never heard of this but i wouldnt use soy sauce anyway, as I rather save it for cooking and plus theres always that chance that you might grab the wrong sauce in the moment of desparation ^^ so yeah cold water tap will do ~~
also, if u have a burn an u got aloe vera...should rub the aloe vera on the burn an it cools it down really quickly
Well the proper way is to rinse under running "cool" tap water to get the heat out, put on a clean dressing (don't need sterile), "loosely" bandage it up, and see a doctor. Of course, this depends on what type of burn it is - 1st (red and dry), 2nd (blisters), or 3rd (charred) degree burn. If it's 3rd degree burn, don't run under tap water, just put the clean dressing on and seek medical attention immediately. Don't break the blisters cuz the outer layer of skin is your first line of defend against infections and don't put any ointment on the burn since that would trap the heat causing more damage to the soft tissue. My recommendation is to not seek any house remedy unless that's the VERY, VERY, VERY LAST option for you. Soy sauce, aloe vera, urine, essential lavender oil, butter, or burn cream are all that I have heard thus far. Use it at your own risk with those stuffs.
Third degree burns (or full thickness thermal injury as it is now known by) can be deceptively painless as most of the pain receptors on the skin have been obliterated. That is, a victim may not feel the pain that normally compels people to seek medical attention immediately (like calling 911 or 999). Generally, patients who have high percentage full thickness thermal injuries will die of hypovolemic shock unless they get medical treatment within a few hours. This is because of the body's attempt to mediate the injury by mobilizing its own fluids, generally insufficient for the task. Additionally, some full thickness burns have charring that can cause compression or compartment syndrome to the body areas beneath them. Those that don't initially succumb to hypovolemia will be in danger of kidney failure and infection. Burn injuries and its care requirements are so unique that there are regional specialized care facilities called Burn Centers that focus on this life threatening injury and its treatment. Seriously injured patients are generally stabilized at a local facility and med-evac'd to a Burn Unit for definitive care.
That it sound kinda dumb by saying don't run tap water on it -_- and clearly I think when he is talking about burn and putting soy sauce is for the purpose of like steam burn which is 1st degree burn... So by taking it as far as 3rd degree burn, I think it's pretty retarded to put soy sauce, don't you think? I mean the place where you are burn has probably turn dark gray or black... So I just thought by explaining 3rd is kinda useless information
well for 3rd degree burn, you should see med help. believe it or not, some ppl actually pour water over the burn even though the nerves are dead for 3rd degree when you're not supposed to do so. soy sauce .. old folks use it .. don't ask me .. i don't think there's a different in asia for 1,2,3 degree burn back in the old days ... everyone uses home remedy. frankly, i still don't understand the logic behind soy sauce and burn.