Can anyone help me with this problem? I've had this problem for quite a while, it started after my second installation of azureus, probably when I reinstalled windows, etc. The chinese characters are all garbled up and I really have a difficult time finding my shows after they've been downloaded. Do I need to download soemthing or change a setting?
umm I have no idea... it does support chinese... so did you like updated your previous and this happend or wha?? And are you talking about the folders not named correctly or all the files with chinese are messed up??
umm are you checkin to see if it's named right when your saving it?? but really if it's just the folders... then just copy n paste and rename back the folders with the file name... not that big of a deal...
before u did ur reinstallation of windows, did u dl or install any chinese language packs? in a fresh install will remove that and hence, can't display them properly....
Knoc is on the right track. This is what I did to read Chinese on my computer: Go to Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Regional and Language Options. Click on the "Language" tab and make sure "Install files for East Asian languages" is checked...even if it is greyed out. In the "Advanced" tab, in the drop - down menu select "Chinese (Hong Kon S.A.R)"
prob unrelated, but in case it is windows xp, a nice guide to follow to input and display chinese characters on winxp: Knoc
hmm...I'm just wondering what worked before and i have no difficulty renaming the folders in chinese, but it would be so nice if it would save in chinese.
well when you first open the torrent... it shows the name of the folder.. so you could try to change the name right there if it's wrong... and really thas just a lil bit of trouble.. don't be so lazy -lol. i personally give it all english names cuz then there's not conflict when I wanna convert it to dvd...
That's true..but i'm trying to teach my mom how to watch the tvb shows when i don't have time to convert it and burn it for her. Having the videos in chinese would be simpler for her.