and guys gettin near ma ex's i would knock a guy out if he touched my girl..its not jealousy..just being protective =)
technically knoc...shit wouldn't be happening if there was more of a common understanding b/w two ppl...
You have exs?? -rotfl Anyway, isn't it a bit of a generalisation to say that ALL bf's are a$$es? And since you created this thread, why don't you start off by telling us what kinds of things pisses you off about your bf?
^ ^ ^ ^ no i dont got a "boy" fyi I never said it was easy. I was just making my point if u ppl wanted to break up then isnt it over? I mean, if u guys got the guts to break up then why waste your time on a girl that you dont like anymore? and also, chill i'm just writing my opinion no need to get all worked up JEEZ