Baby Rescued From The Shitter; No I'm Not Kidding...

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ralphrepo, May 27, 2013.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

  2. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    I fucking knew when I read the title its gonna be in fucking CHINA
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Glad he's alive.
  4. lovetvb

    lovetvb Well-Known Member

    oh my god ! What the fuck is wrong with his parents. Don't fuck=no baby, or fucking use condom. Goddamn it!
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    u gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME!
  6. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    wow how did he survive
  7. Hondadc2

    Hondadc2 Active Member

    Glad its ok
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Apparently, there's an update (albeit scant and thin on information) about the Chinese mother who flushed her newborn down the toilet:

    In A Hurry? Just Read The Red Highlighted Lines For A Quick Synopsis

    Mother of newborn saved from toilet pipe sorry for what she did
    From Elizabeth Joseph and C.Y. Xu , CNN
    updated 8:24 PM EDT, Tue May 28, 2013

    (CNN) -- The mother of a newborn rescued over the weekend from a toilet pipe in China "deeply regrets what she did," police said Tuesday. The infant, a baby boy, was saved Saturday in the Chinese city of Jinhua. He remains in the hospital, where he is reported to be in stable condition. "Local police have found the mother. She deeply regrets what she did. Details of the case are still under investigation," Jinhua police said on the social media website Weibo. They posted images of the baby, showing him sleeping in an incubator and being attended to by various nurses. Dramatic video of the infant's rescue made global headlines and sparked sympathy.

    According to police, one of the firefighters involved visited the baby and sent over clothes, formula powder and diapers. Someone else sent milk bottles and formula, along with a note that read: "Don't let the baby starve. Let's pray," they said. The rescue began after cries were heard from a fourth-floor apartment toilet. Alarmed neighbors heard the sounds and saw a tiny foot inside a ceramic bowl. They called the fire department, state broadcaster CCTV reported. Unable to pull the infant out out, rescuers went to the floor below and sawed away a section of pipe. But still, the baby was stuck, so both the section of pipe and the infant were taken to a hospital. Working together, rescuers and doctors began removing the pipe, piece by piece. CCTV video showed the exact moment hands in white gloves gingerly pulled away a part of the pipe, revealing the tiny face of a newborn.

  9. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    Cut out the bad comments for God sake!

    Here is a report from a local newspaper correspondent . Briefly after three days 25th to 28th they found the baby boy's mother who was a 22 year old worker. As her work place was far from home she rented a room near to her work. Last year through friends she was introduced to a man then they had an affair with unprotected sex. Yes, that's right, quite common around the world, and a month later she missed her period! She went to the man and he had denied the baby was his doing! (I had that one before and again this could have been said any where in the world , not just China!) As the man did not take father responsibility and she did not have money to abort the child so she kept a full term of pregnancy and kept quiet. Noboby knew she was pregnant as she wore wide fitting clothing and bound her abdomen. She dared not tell her parents in fear of retributions. She was scared! In her rented room she bought a lot of baby things and toys ready for the birth. Note she was soon to be a single parent! On the 25th she felt pain , remember she was an inexpeienced mother with no medical or mid-wifery advice, and went to the toilet and the baby was born and fell into the drain pipe. She tried to pull the boy out but failed so she sought help. She told a man (landlord of tenanted rooms) that she heard baby cried who them alerted the emergency service. As she was still scared and did not have support and since firemen had rescued the baby so she kept quiet about being the mother. However she was prime suspect because people noticed that she cared about what happened to the baby afterwards. After birth and after the rescue she went back to work as normal (presumably no body knew she was pregnant so was expected to work!) and she was too weak and developed high fever and fell ill. She was admitted to hospital where her father came to visit. A doctor said that after birth a mother needed medical attention, cleaned her womb to prevent infection, prevent bleeding...

    I fealt really sorry for the girl and the baby. The bad I think could be the man (father) and the pressures of un-wed girl (ditched by lover) in society. On reflection of the unkind , premature comments posted by people on this thread, please have compassion first before wagging your finger. Never just rely on foreign language source. I have also heard a German news report, BBC report as well as an American news report suggesting that this event could be due to China's one child policy..blah blah blah. Whereas in truth here was a case of a classical dishonourable father, trusting and inexpeienced girl in sex, limited income working girl away from home scrapping a living, a society against single women having a child out of wedlock... which could happen , and does, from USA to Italy to Japan.

    I am so pleased that mother and child are both being looked after for now. I do hope society as a whole learn from this and structure social care and more importantly positive support for such mishap situations.
    #10 surplusletterbox, May 28, 2013
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
  10. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    @Surplusletterbox - There is nothing wrong with what people said here. The fact remained that the child was stuck in the toilet and no one came forward until police tracked them down. It's irresponsible, cruel, and heartless. Being 22 years old is not young and naive so I personally have absolutely no sympathy for this mother who decided to go about her day when the baby struggled to survive.

    I agreed that unwed mother does get the eyes from others but most Asians ppl are like that regardless of time and place. You still get the same treatment in the western countries. I too hate when people keep shitting babies when they damn well know that they can't afford it; all living off welfare. This gal knew yet still engaged in unsafe sex. Come on, compassion?? Not for such people who deliberately behaved so.

    If anything, I do pity the baby being borne to such despicable parents.
  12. Hondadc2

    Hondadc2 Active Member


    (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) Agree

    My friends sister is a single mother. Her man didnt want anything to do with her or the baby, but she picked herself up and went back to study and got her degree and raised her son.
    I know that in China they might not be so lucky to even get a proper education but still its another life. The mother is too cruel
  13. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    I don't like to disagree with you two, this is your personal view. We can be so smart when we in the west have welfare benefits, hosuing benefits , charity support...and I don't know which country that you come from. In my country a single mother with no income gets free housing , free child care, weekly social benefit, free health care, free dental treatment...on an on. This includes state money paying for education and qualification so that mother can get back to work! I doubt these benefits exist in China. It is a lot of pressure to be a single mum with an unexpected child. To be negative and critical, not knowing her personal circumstances, employment situation and lack of jobs, possible lack of housing after birth, lack of income whilst on maternity leave or sick, external social pressures, financial means, possibility of being being an outcast, post natal depression, lack of social welfare, social justice....on and on. You should give benefit of doubt and feel compassionate until the facts emerged that justify your accusations. On record, as of 30th, the police has decided this case was an accident and will not pursue this women further. In the meantime the baby returned home to grandma's (mother's mother).
    Lastly, a mother is seldom cruel, a cruel mother is a rare exception rather than the norm. It is extremely rare to find a woman born ruel. A curel decision by a mother towards her baby is usually caused by external factors. The blame should be directed to these people. If you don't believe me, research your facts and not hearsay on this case, take the facts to the social services in your local home town and see what the professionals say and test whether your allegation is reasonable! If you are afraid of going to see the professionals go to church or a temple and ask if your views on this woman of 22 are acceptable. People make mistakes in their lives, big and snall mistakes, there is a famous biblical story and has its Confucius equivalent : "let him who is without sin, cast the first stone" A woman committed adultery and was about to be stoned by the crowd when Jesus asked the people with stones in their hands to reflect whether too they had committed sin. So in this story, have you committed sin ?

    Added: Today's police appeal 警方也呼吁媒体,为了保护母亲和婴儿的个人隐私,请尽量减少报道,避免对当事人造成二次伤害。(央视记者赵奕) (The police appealed to the press, for the sake of the mother and child privacy, minimise reporting, avoid the parties from damage a second time.)
    #14 surplusletterbox, May 30, 2013
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The problem here is, that this particular incident happened in China. Had this been an incident in an American urban area say, to an African American, then I doubt there would be such ready situational leniency expressed. In essence, I suspect some people here feel compelled to speak up for the Chinese 'underdog' simply because they're Chinese too.

    Having said that, IMHO, there is such thing as "cognizance of guilt" insofar as criminal behavior is concerned, as I'll explain later. Most women who are pregnant for the first time generally have prolonged labors with slow deliveries; granted, the need to deliver (ie push out the baby) may mimic the sensation of the need to defecate. So yes, she may have thought that she was going to take a huge dump. Most babies though, do not come out so explosively as to "slip from her hands" so conveniently. Moreover, the baby would have been still attached by the umbilical cord. The placenta (ie. afterbirth at the opposite end of the umbilical cord), which following a delivery, remains attached to the mother's uterine wall and must be expelled as the overly stretched uterus slowly returns to somewhat normal size. This process (aka involution) by itself takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes in the average normal birth. If we are to believe the mother's story, then she would have been sitting over the 'Johnny' a good half hour or more, with the baby down the shitter, still attached by the umbilical cord from the opening of the shitter to the opening of her vagina. The toilet that she squatted over for the birth process would have been covered in amniotic fluid and blood. This would have been especially so without medical management of the delivery. Birth in a modern hospital setting generally utilizes intravenous oxytocin, a hormone that induces stronger, faster and more prolonged uterine contractions. Thus, within a hospital setting, after a delivery, the mother is given a dose of oxytocin, which forces the uterus to contract quickly, sheering off the placenta and simultaneously clamping down on torn blood vessels and minimizing bleeding. But, conversely, in an unmanaged delivery the uterus must contract naturally and bleeding will continue until the uterus has shrunk slowly back to somewhat normal size. The shedding of the placental tissue would take much longer, and bleeding continues until the placenta is dislodged. If the mother's story were true, the scene at the toilet should have been a bloody mess; can I get any more visual?


    Thus, if the story she told was true, she certainly couldn't have walked away as the umbilical cord remained firmly attached to her uterus. She would have been trapped there; she should have screamed, hollered, cried out, whatever... had this been the case. Moreover, if it happened as she said, she could have probably pulled the baby back out by the cord if she had wanted to do so. But, she didn't. Instead, what we're hearing is that she went and got the landlord and then called for emergency services.

    Therefore, my personal supposition is that she gave birth elsewhere; most likely within her own room and not in the bathroom over the obviously bloodless toilet as she had claimed . She then delivered the placenta there too, as evidence by the police finding bloodied articles within her room. But then, holding the baby, still attached by an umbilical to the now expelled placenta, she begins to panic; she runs to the toilet and pushes the baby into the drain. She flushes, but the baby is stuck, only traveling into the drain by less than two feet (average male baby at birth is 20 inches; we can barely see the neonate's feet in the video). The physical placement of the baby wedged so far into the pipe is the crucial piece of visual evidence here; in essence, I'm puzzled by how the baby traveled, if "dropped" as the mother claims, around a 90 degree angle turn and then move laterally almost two feet into a drain pipe? That, in and of itself, defies physics. Unless of course, her story was bullshit and she pushed the baby into the pipe. But to her undoing, the baby got stuck and would go no further.

    But, after pushing the baby in the pipe, the baby begins to cry and her maternal conscience got the better of her; she went back to try to fish the baby out. Unsuccessful, she then sought assistance from the landlord. Cognizance of guilt applied here as she never let on that she gave birth until police were able to piece the information together and confront her days later with it. Hence, though she didn't want the baby and wanted to dispose of it, she felt enough psychological ambivalence (collection of toys in her room) about it, not to wish it to needlessly suffer. But, she would have kept quiet too, had the cops not said anything. Frankly, this happens in the US (and many other countries) lots of times, with so many babies (some living, some dead) being routinely found in restaurant or gas station toilets, that many states now have "safe harbor" (aka safe haven) laws designed to protect an unwanted newborn from harm with no consequences for the mother who decides to abandon it.

    Ergo, IMHO, the mother in this case, should be charged by Chinese police with attempted murder and have custody taken away, just like an American mother in 2011, who more or less did the same thing, albeit to much less international drama.

    And finally, this comment:

    Do I take that to mean that some find social services to be deficient within the people's republic? I never would have thunk it. Serious though, IMHO, what makes a nation stronger is having its people stand on their strength of character; not on the creativity of their excuses, which leads me to another, perhaps darker political dimension. There are some, who would defend against the notion that anyone Chinese could do something so heinous. In fact, some reports are already alluding to the observation that Chinese state media is paying very little attention to this. But, if anything, the Chinese cops certainly aren't stupid; all the things that I can figure out, I'm sure they can too. The fact that they're "...appealing for privacy for the sake of the mother and baby..." bespeaks volumes. IMHO, the police investigation was muzzled by the party as they want the issue to simply go away.
    #15 ralphrepo, May 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    @surplusletterbox - Who cares what the gov offers. Let me put this in simple terms: unsafe sex = baby and/or STD. It doesn't take a genius to know that. It's human nature when it comes reproduction. I can totally understand and sympathize if she was "RAPED" and pregnant. She made the decision and yet unable to live up to the consequence. It doesn't need a professional and any more facts to justify her pathetic behavior and heartless action.

    Based on your response above, I find that you're very naive .. ignorant to a certain extend. Instead of blaming the gal, you keep telling people that it's the societal pressure, blah, blah, blah .. consider all the facts before jumping to conclusion. What other facts do you need? Did the baby not stuck in the toilet? Did she not go about her business after the incident? When something like this happened, the mother should be the one who should reflect on what she has done that led up to the mess today. At the end of the day, she's the one who decide what to do with her life .. at least, she chose to have sex.

    Fear is the weakest reason. Any parents can tell you that having a baby make them stronger; wanting to protect their child. When they do give up .. under good circumstance .. the child will have a better life and/or what not .. not DOWN the TOILET.
  16. For a newborn to lie in a cramped, dark, bacteria infested pipe with the most ungodly stench for hours lends me no sympathy for the mother.
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    In an amazing (well, not really, I bet it actually happens a lot more times than people care to admit) replication of the Chinese Baby In A Shitter Case, here comes a Spanish copycat.

    23 June 2013 Last updated at 12:13 ET
    Spain arrest over baby trapped in the drains

    A woman has been arrested in eastern Spain on suspicion of attempted murder, after her newborn baby was rescued from inside a building's drains. Police say the 26-year-old woman was held in the city of Alicante. The two-day-old baby boy - who still had his umbilical cord attached - was found wrapped in plastic bags in the manhole in the building's courtyard. The baby, weighing 2.1kg (4.6lb), is in a serious but not life-threatening condition in a local hospital. The baby was found after a neighbour had heard what he thought was a meowing cat trapped in the drains and decided to alert firefighters at about 02:00 local time (01:00 GMT) on Sunday. In a statement, Spanish police said investigators later found the woman who had lived in the building and was taken to hospital on 21 June claiming she had had a miscarriage. She confessed she had tried to get rid of the baby, but did not have enough money for abortion, police said. The investigators are trying to determine whether the mother acted alone or had any assistance from a third party.

    IMHO, the Spanish authorities seemed to be much more willing to take a protectionist view of and for the life of the baby and charging the mother with a crime.
    #18 ralphrepo, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013