How do guys feel about girls who are more successful than them? I've had my fair share of relationships, but mostly with slackers and underachievers. It never really mattered to me much, just as long as they made me happy. But more often than not, when we break up, one of the reasons that are listed is because I'm 'better' than them on paper. For god's sake, we're not interviewing for a's a freaking relationship. I've typically made more than my significant others, and I've never had a problem with that. I don't mind making more than my significant others, but it seems that they usually have problems with it. On the surface, they say they're proud of me and whatever, but their real thoughts are reflected upon their actions. They lowblow me sometimes and use my accomplishments against me. Of course, I always get confused by it cuz if we were to turn it around, and my boyfriend had some sort of achievement/s during the course of our relationship, I'd be thrilled. But how come it doesn't go the other way around? I remember when I was with my ex, and on my last day of exams, I was so happy to be finally done with exams. but my ex did not share the same happiness. Somehow, it seemed as if he wanted to see me fail in school and never graduate. For me, it's ok if the guy makes less than the girl, but one thing that is not ok is if they have no desire to improve themselves. In every relationship, balance is necessary. If you're not the breadwinner, you better be busting your ass doing chores @ home and not expect the breadwinner to share the money & do all the housework. So, do guys just want to date loser girls who have no sense of direction so that they will always have some sort of control over the girl?? How would you feel if you were dating a girl who is much more successful than you, on paper?
Yeah, I guess most guy don't want their gf's to be smarter than them because they don't want to feel inferior to them. You know how most guys are ego
Haha... those guys... using THAT as an excuse. If they truly are "ego maniacs", they would pride on not losing by doing something about it. That's an excuse imo... that's just whining because they can't admit to themselves that they need to change, so they try to put the blaim on someone else, rofl. It doesn't matter to me which one is more successful. I don't judge how "successful" I am with life based on my financial income, so I certainly don't use it to compare with others. On another note... I'm not an ego maniac... I really am just smarter... as all guys are -lol
Man, I'd be totally spreading the news! My girl is the bread winner, and she only likes me for my body! lol. Unfortunately, every girl I know is a gold digger and nowhere near my genius...sigh...
word. even in today's society, men still feel as if they should be the one making the money whereas the women should be the ones who stay home and tend to the kids. kinda sad, really.
heheheh this is like that tvb series thats on now.... i dont know the english title but the chinese translates to something like it isnt easy to be a woman. And i think its hot that my wife or something is better than me and can feed me LOL if possible id LIKE to find a girl whos very successful. Then i'd just bum around at home learning to cook n playing video games