Benny Chan Crying For Forgiveness

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. SUSIE-DANG-1988



    HONG KONG: Hong Kong actor Benny Chan (陳浩民) held a press conference in Hong Kong on Thursday, to apologise for forcibly hugging and kissing actress Rose Chan, after having too much to drink during a recent group outing in Hengdian, China, reported Hong Kong media.

    "Regarding the unpleasant incident that happened last week in Hengdian, I sincerely apologise to her (Rose Chan)," said Bennie Chan before bowing deeply in apology.

    "I admit that I drank too much that day, went overboard and unintentionally, unconsciously, did some impolite things to Rose. I admit I am really wrong."

    "I regret my drunken actions which have hurt and disappointed a lot of people, especially my wife. She is preparing to be hospitalised to have a baby but was worried and upset [by this event], as were my fans," said the actor, who became emotional and wept bitterly.

    "I thank my wife for her trust and support. I will turn over a new leaf to be a husband and a father who is willing to take responsibility and repent.

    "I promise everyone that I will try hard to give up drinking, remember this lesson and constantly reflect on my actions. I hope Rose can accept my apology," said Benny Chan, who was accompanied by his wife, former model Lisa Jiang, at the press conference.

    Both Benny Chan and his wife wept intermittently throughout the event.

    Jiang spoke up in support of her husband despite her tears.

    "Hopefully, everyone will give Benny a chance. He has really done wrong. He apologised to me and my baby and promised to work hard, give up drinking.

    "I also hope Rose Chan can forgive him," said Jiang at the end of the ten-minute press conference.

    Benny Chan was still weeping when assistants led him and his wife out of the venue, amidst constant camera flashes from the small army of photographers that attended the press event.



    The story so far

    Benny Chan's actions first came to light after paparazzi photos of him and Joe Ma becoming too touchy feely with 19-year-old actress Rose Chan, while intoxicated during a group outing in China, were published in Hong Kong tabloids recently.

    Rose Chan held a press conference on Tuesday to address the matter and lodged a police complaint about the incident soon after.

    She returned to Hengdian, China, to resume filming for her new movie after going to the police.

    Ma had since insisted that he did not behave inappropriately toward Rose Chan and would take legal action against certain media outlets for inaccurate reporting and for publishing personal attacks against him.

    Even as Hong Kong celebrities like Simon Yam and Eric Tsang criticise Benny Chan and Joe Ma over the incident, sceptics questioned if Rose Chan had set the whole thing up to gain publicity.

    They point out that is highly uncommon for Hong Kong paparazzi to operate in Hengdian, yet it was the Hong Kong paparazzi who were present when the incident occurred and snapped the damning photos.

  2. feel sorry for his wife...married a creep! they are newly weds:facepalm:
  3. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    "Even as Hong Kong celebrities like Simon Yam and Eric Tsang criticise Benny Chan and Joe Ma over the incident, sceptics questioned if Rose Chan had set the whole thing up to gain publicity.

    They point out that is highly uncommon for Hong Kong paparazzi to operate in Hengdian, yet it was the Hong Kong paparazzi who were present when the incident occurred and snapped the damning photos."

    I actually thought that was possible but even if that was true, they fell for it...

    Either way, Rose really benefited from this incident... Who doesn't know her in HK now.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    there is big news every weeek...who's next? crying and apologizing won't get him out of this.... well he was drunk and ya........ whats done is donee.....
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Crying only works for females. Man up.

    Rose is fucking 19? No way... she looks way older.
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol to get out of situations like this you have to act innocent and borderline the "victim" of the story.
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    lol@ the title.......
  8. person

    person Well-Known Member

    He clearly wasn't. If he could have said all of that without bursting into tears and crying like a baby would have made a stronger message. It's obvious he's looking for pity and sympathy forgiveness.
  9. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Even Edison didn't cry.. lol the whole press conference felt like an act, good show Benny!
  10. brianyu

    brianyu Well-Known Member

    the hole thing so stupid ... the girl set the hole thing up and made her name on new paper lol ... 19 hk girl and still innocent lol ... wake up ! picture doesnt show the hole situation ..
  11. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    where are the "damning photos" that they spoke of?

    Nice try, Mr Chan. Good acting ...
  12. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

  13. fai_chai

    fai_chai New Member

    GEEE, Ms. Rose just need to grow the F UP!!! Trying to get publicity or like the chinese saying: Finish eating with nothing else to do and waiting to SHIT.

    I mean for hugging, kissing, touching...I'm sure the CLUB scene is more wild than that!! Besides if she really was violated, all she had to was screamed HELP and a 3rd party would had stopped em. Also she's a grown up, she didn't slap Benny or anything for such attempt? So retard if you ask me! Go back to the 70s or 80s if you're very insecure with a dude touching you or hug and kiss. Gee not like he stuck his thing inside your vagina or RAPE!! Live like their style where women has no rights and nothing! Can't?? Then STFU!! cry baby!<_<
  14. cjw92

    cjw92 Member

    Wow, he cried???? Come on, be a man....
  15. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    wow you are such a 禽獸! so she has to be raped in order for you to feel bad for her? I agree she is a little bitch for not even defending herself during the "assault," but you telling her to grow up because them sexually harassing her is nothing then you are one sick bastard. She's not at a club so she shouldn't have to expect something like this to happen to her.
  16. angle21

    angle21 Well-Known Member

    Even if Rose did set them up, for them to take the bait proves deep inside their real character and ain't the gentlemen they pose as. His apology is real pethetic, Rose should be the one crying not him.
  17. angle21

    angle21 Well-Known Member

    It's people who have the mentality like yourself that women suffer in silence. Sometimes the victim is just too shocked and scared to react in time. If the paparrazzi had not taken and published those photos there might of been a chance that this incident would have never come to light. I don't think that its the first time that Benny went over the line, its just this time he was caught red handed. Also just because it happens alot does not make it normal or should it be brushed off lightly it's a serious offense, even a slight brush or tap is counted as sexual assult if the victim feels unconfortable.
  18. brianyu

    brianyu Well-Known Member

    she is not a victim here ... why women always act like a victim ...
  19. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    hope all guys will have a limit when out drinking. he's lucky that his wife is still by his wife after this incident.
  20. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    I don't buy it =\