46-year-old Hong Kong actor Benny Chan (陳浩民) and his wife Lisa Jiang (蔣麗莎) welcomed four children in five years, leading to concerns about Lisa’s health. Lisa, who has three daughters and one son with Benny, went through Cesarean surgery for all four births. “We’ve asked the doctor about this,” said Benny. “But my wife is very health. I do not deny that C-sections have significant risks and can be quite damaging to your vigor, but having kids is my family’s business. I have no need to discuss this with anybody else. We are happy. The kids are happy. That is the most important thing.” In honor of their daughter’s 100th day of birth, Benny went on social media to share a set of pictures they took in March, moments before their third daughter and fourth child was to be born. The photos, while sweet, did stir some controversy online. One of the photos that Benny shared was of him shaving his wife’s pubic hair in the bathroom. The photos shocked netizens, and quite a lot of them said it was a photo that was too private to be shared online. In regards to these comments, Benny said, “All parents know that this is just one of the processes of pregnant women. Besides, her private areas were not exposed!” Benny also added, “These are all important memories. We cannot all just remember to snap moments of our wedding. It’s important to snap moments of the pregnancy too.” According to a source, the photoshoot went on for over 20 hours. Wouldn’t that be too tiring for Lisa? Benny explained, “Lisa couldn’t sleep anyways. Our photographer wanted to go home but my wife was too nervous and excited.” Benny is unaffected by the negative comments he received online. He said he’ll be spending the rest of his summer teaching swimming to his eldest daughter. He is very thankful to his wife, and said, “She has suffered a lot, and has devoted so much.” Creds: QQ
What a pity! Shame and bloody hypocritical response by him when he gets so defensive about his privacy, yet attempts to entrap the audience. Just silly!