Actor: 廖碧兒 Bernice Liu Bik Yee Character's Name: 李心盈 Lee Sum Ying Personality: Cheerful lively, healthy and positive, everything well and is full of love, drive the sky, sense of righteousness, love sports, love wilderness countryside. complete different charascter!! love her in this series. i dont get why she didn't win an award for this series?! haii.... nice dance great improvement.
it was very touching at the part when bernice insists to continue dancing despite she can't see anything, she's almost blind at that time
She has improved, at least now i am not put off by her voice but she needs work for someone with this much screen time.
i think bernice's acting in steps was very good. her dancing was impressive. i liked the series mostly cos of her.
i love bernice's character, i think she did a great job portraying her character....and she sure knows how to dance
I really loved Bernice's character in this series. I think that in the ending where she knew her eyesight was in danger, but still decided to go dance is admiring, because she was basically at risk. Also, I love the song, it sounds really cheerful.
I think Bernice can dance really well , and she played out this role really good. She did a good job dancing in this series, I think it would be cool if she and competed in Strictly Come Dancing .