Idol group, Berryz Koubou held a special release and Handshake event on December 7th for their latest photo book titled “Nijiiro Berryz.” Four of the members, Shimizu Saki, Natsuyaki Miyabi, Sudo Maasa, and Sugaya Risako showed up at the event. The photo shoot for the book was held in Hawaii, and there are many shots of the members in bathing suits as well as individual shots of the members. Natusyaki explained that the photo book is as if it’s an photo album of Berryz Koubou’s summer trip. The other 3 members, Tsugunaga Momoko, Tokunaga Chinami, and Kumai Yurina will also hold another handshake event on December 11th.
They ain't wearing makeup in that pic right? 3rd person look dead lol. I doubt Koreans would do something like that (photobook containing such pics)